Theology of Time - September 17,1972


We have to import much of what we are after, because here in America we deal with our enemies and they don't want to give us the price that we can get elsewhere.

America is still America.

We are a nation growing up in America to become and independent nation within an independent nation.

We have our flag to go forward in making a move for self.

We have brothers all over the earth.

We are a people that out-number our enemies 11 to 1. We are a people who are not going to make an attempt. We are going to do what we attempt to do.

We want people, from out of our own people, to help us, but let us teach you how to help us.

We don't want you to be like the fellow in the book; wherein it said he was told by one of the officers to help Jesus bury his crop and he barely knew where to dig a whole.

He took hold of the little part, which was too heavy for him.

I don't want you picking no parts. I will tell you where to lay your hands.

I don't like to criticize anyone, because this is not what we are after today.

We don't want to criticize each other. We can get together and squash that thing called criticizing. In fact, that's what Islam has come for: to put a stop to Black men making fun of Black men.

Islam is here to make us brothers, and if we can't be brothers, we're here to push him out of the circle.

God, Himself, is here for the purpose of showing you and me that which will help us and do for us. If we can't, He's here to push us in the lake, and not a lake of water, it's a lake of fire.

That's what He's ready to do for us. The world has lingered around too many years over the righteous' time. They are overtime doing this to us all, because you would not be on time to wake up and join on to your own kind.

If we had been swift and eager with our ears open to hear the trumpet of self blowing, we would have been a long ways toward the gate of Heaven.

We want to get together here in America first of all, and build us something of our own that the world will recognize.

There is no work going on in America that you can compare with our workers. No worker has the progress as our workers. They don't enjoy progress. I don't care where you're from, brother and sister, you are the best.

We are able to get the confidence of the nations of the Earth. They will help us in every way that we call on them. They will do it. God will make them do it. We are with God and God is with us.

If you are so proud, feeling that you can make a way or can get anything on this side and make the same progress without going on your knees and submitting to a Superior Supreme Being of righteous, truth and justice, then go and try it.

We care nothing about the rulers of evil who want to keep you and me down, so that we cannot progress in our efforts to do something worthwhile of ourselves.

We care nothing about their dislike and their attack of trying to halt, stop or injure our progress. We care nothing about their effort.

If we have God with us who is it that can interfere with our progress and win.

We don't preach like the average preacher; whereas, you don't get, "God told Jonah to go to Ninevah with little twang to it," we tell you why God told Jonah to go to Ninevah, what His aim and purpose was. That's the way we preach.

I know you'd like to probably hear me come out with, "Ohhhh yeah," but you see, I can't preach like that. My father used to preach like that. We used to sometimes have to run up in the stand and pick him up, carry him out, then pour some cool water over him.

I can't preach like that. I'm not that type of preacher, I'm a teacher.

In these days and times we are living, we'd better not look at the clock as much as we look at our feet, to see if they are prepared to run. I don't want you to be like the people of Noah, Lot or like the slowness of Israel in getting out of Egypt.

They had to go around that night and put up a blood sign over the door to warn them to flee. We're up 4,000 years from that time. We should have more knowledge and wisdom to do a better job.

With the world of Christianity crumbling under your feet, and falling out of the sky and falling on the battle field of nations, if you cannot wake up and get prepared to fly for self what will wake you to flying to yourselves if the time we're living in will not awaken you?

I don't know what could come.

The Holy Qur'an teachers us to fly for refuge in Allah.

We can try playing with this warning like the people of Noah, like the people of Lot, but we will meet with grave consequences.

Let us try to shun all of the mishaps that we possibly can.

We want to build for self. You say, "We're going to be destroyed. The cities of the nations are going to be shaken from their foundation".

That's right, but if you look in the book, you will find that it's prophesied that you must rise up and rebuild the wasted cities. You have it there. If we got to rebuild the wasted cities, let us go practice now how to build for ourselves.

You cannot boast that you have your own if you don't know how to build and master your own. We cannot get together haphazardly. We cannot get together hating one brother and loving another.

We've got to wholly love all the brothers. I cannot give you Reverends too much sympathy, because the church is what we want to destroy.

Christianity is our slave master's. Just remember that. It's our slavemaster's. It is the tool which the slave masters handed over to us when he considered himself freeing us. He gave you something to enslave your brains. That is where you are tied up at; it's in your brains, from the slave master.

You boast and fight for Christianity more than the founder of Christianity. They have just about given up. They know they're fighting a loosing battle.

Allah will remove the modern made religion called Christianity. The very foundation of that religion is murder.

Take a look at the cross. It's the sign of a murderer. If you will follow a murderer for life, what life could he give you if he's a murderer?

He put up his sign for you and I to worship. If we're going to worship a sign of a murderer or worship a murderer, then what are we looking for? Death. We are looking for death.

Oh Reverend, it's a shame that he deceived you like this.

I'm not coming to make fun of you, but I'm coming here to make you wise to the murderer. It's up to you to believe it or let it alone.

He says to you and me that, "I've taken Jesus and I killed him. I've hung him up on a cross. Now nigger, come on and worship it, because I'm going to do you the same way."

He's doing it.

I don't want to argue with you. I just want to tell you out-right that you see any man or woman worshipping the cross, calling it the sign that leads them to their salvation, they should be taken and put in the insane asylum.

That's no sign of life, that's a sign of death.

See how far you're off? You are off from the knowledge of what you are given.

If a man gives you that cross and then tells you that you're following Jesus to Heaven, you ought to bust his face open.

The enemy has molded you into death. "My church, my denomination....," Your church is hell and your denomination is hell.

They do not have any respect over in that church for the members, nor anyone that will visit.

Fight back, they hung you on trees. They say they hung Jesus on the tree. You should be clear on this, because they do hang you. "Be like Jesus," he says. Ask him, "for what? For you to hang me and nail me to the cross like you did him?

But, no. He has made you love death and worship the murderer. When you tell him about us, "Are you one of them?" That's what he will say, or "You done left the church?" You should not have never been in it.

Oh, slave house with a cross, a sign of imprisonment, suffering and finally death.

The church now is getting hungry. The Muslim is getting fat. That's right. You have the Bible; wherein, it teaches you that, but you didn't know who it was talking about. "We shall eat, but ye shall be hungry.

Christians, I'm so sorry for you.

The worst of all , Christianity leads you to seek a Heaven in the sky, off the earth, where are your food and clothes at. Where is your shelter at. They teach you to look in the sky for yours.

Tell him, "I'm already sheltered by that canopy, I don't need to pray to go to it, it was built for our service."

What can you do with his religion, to aid you in getting for yourself that which he has gotten of this Earth for himself, which is good homes, money, friendship. How are you going to get it now, when the trumpet of life is sounding and it doesn't carry a cross. It's against the cross. It has come to destroy the cross.

This is exactly what Islam is here for, to give you a sign that is worthwhile.

Look at our sign, the Sun, Moon and Star. It corresponds with what you live under daily and nightly. Your sign, the cross, corresponds with that which we find over in the grave. There are so many graves expensively built, and putting a cross on it.

Have you ever studied the cross? If the cross means that we are at crossroads with each other, that's right. That means that the cross is at the cross roads with the Crescent; yet the cross cannot get along without our Crescent. They must have the Sun, Moon and Star.

If you remove that away from them, they all will go crazy at once.

Remove that cross from us and we'll all be free at once.

It was made to enslave people. That's the sign of physical enslavement and death. That's the cross you've been deceived to follow.

You follow Jesus. "He was hung on a cross", they say. He was not hung on the cross.

Allah told me that he made a cross out of himself. He stretched forth his hands like that of a cross and let the deputy Sheriff stab him to death very quickly through his heart.

He didn't die on the cross. The deputy sheriff that was sent out after him, he wanted to make a quick death of it, because he did not see where he was guilty of the crime laid against him. So he told him, "If you let me kill you, I will kill you so quick you'll never feel it, then I'll get twice the reward for you since you know you're going to die and you came for that purpose. I will kill you so quick that you will never feel it." And he did so. He plunged his sharp knife though his heart and the man was dead instantly.

Well, if I die I hope I die the death of a Muslim.

Beautiful sisters, stop sweet-hearting with the blue-eyed Caucasian. Your days are numbered for that. Brothers stop turning in your brother for a dollar from the enemy. The time is out for that. They'll see you laying around somewhere not talking. The time is out for it.

Sisters must stop driving by in their cars flirting with white man. They're our enemies and your enemy. They're going to do an about face on you one of these days. Don't you feel ashamed of yourselves, sitting up in the car with the enemy of your people, letting him take you in the bushes somewhere on a dead end lot? That kind of work is going to stop someday. You may not feel so happy when you meet the gang that will stop you.

White people used to kill their woman if they caught a Blackman with them; they'd kill you too.

You think it's and honor to be sitting around grinning with white folks with their arms around you. They got their arms around our pocket book, keeping you from enjoying the wealth that your fathers and mothers suffered for. Be careful about this, I'm warning you.

We the Muslims are not going to stand for it. There is some we call good Christians, but they just don't know how to be a good Christian, because they don't know the truth.

We are the best Christians on Earth. Christian means to be crystallized into one. So, if you go by the meaning of Muslim, we are the real Christians. We are one.

My beloved brothers and sisters of the church, I am certainly happy to see that you are bold enough to come in that door and learn what Christianity is, and learn what Islam is. You were made a Christian, but you were born a Muslim.

We were created Muslim. From the very beginning, our Father Who created the Heavens and the Earth was a Muslim. We who are from Him are Muslims by nature; therefore, you don't join Islam to become a Muslim, you just come on back to Islam, into what you were

created to be.

The Holy Qur'an says, "We are that which by nature we were created." The church can't tell you that you are a Christian by nature; they can't do it.

They tell you that you are a Christian by faith and hopes, but you are born a righteous person. Muslim means a righteous person.

We want you to remember to meet with us every time that we call on you to do so. Whether you say you are a Muslim or not, you are saying that through the undeveloped knowledge of self.

You were created a Muslim. If you reject it now, you are rejecting yourself, because Muslim is what you are.

What can you find in Christianity that exceeds us? Nothing but evil. You can't boast that you are an evil person as a result of yourselves. The Man Who made you evil was Yakub. He was one of us. You didn't have sense enough to build up a race of evil people. It was one of our evil people who taught you how to build one out of evil. He did so, but for a limited time.

After you have lived here for 6,000 years, your brothers coming from the East is going to eat you up. I'm snacking on a few of them now. I love black people. I love black. I work for black people.

I just want to let you know that I am your brother and will fulfill my appointments with you, whether you like what I say or not. I know you will love what I say pretty soon, yes.

I have a home that God has given to me for you. Let's move in it.

What is a better Heaven than plenty of money, a good house to live in, and good peace among the brethren and the world of man? What is a better Heaven than that?

I don't want to try preparing to go up in the sky with you. I don't know what kind of vehicle you have to fly me up in the sky and I might drop back. I certainly don't have no wings growing on me. So, let us try and stay on this good Earth and get the things out of it that we need for our time on it while we live.

I don't say that I hate you and call you a Christian. I don't hate you, because I know you are not a Christian. I hate you if you deny yourself. You are one of the righteous. You are Muslim, that's from the creation of you.

"I don't recognize it" You've gotten that from the devil, the blue-eyed-Caucasian. That's the real devil.

I was almost about to dismiss myself from you and had not told you who the real devil is . The real devil is the blue-eyed Caucasian people and in the Holy Qur'an, you will find it written there, "On the day," referring to the judgment, "On the day when we will gather the guilty blue-eyed on that day."

The Holy Qur'an is an exact, righteous, and truthful book. The blue-eyed are being gathered together now. This is the time they are being gathered.

We do own the heavens and the earth and we are taking it over.

You are so beautiful. The devil himself knows that you are the most beautiful people on Earth, but he don't want to tell you, because he, with his short temporarily made self, wants you to think he's the most beautiful.

He has just been here six days and we've been here years without number. I say, go on like Isaiah teaches you, "shine, shine, shine."