Theology of Time - August 20, 1972


In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful. All holy praises is due Thee Allah, the Lord of the worlds. The Most Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment in which we now live. Thee do we serve, and Thee do we beseech for Divine help. Guide us on the right path, The of those upon whom Thou has bestowed favors, not upon those whom Thy wrath has been brought down, nor of those who go astray after they have heard Thy Teaching. Amen.

I think every believer of Islam who's on the face of the earth, whether they're in America or elsewhere, should be happy to see the day and time that you and I are witnessing here in North America. Because in the past, there lived prophets and wise men who only read that this day was to come.

If they could have lived to see just half a day, that you are looking at, today and living in, they would have been happy.

We are living in the change worlds. The old world is going out and the new world is coming in.

This is something that we all should be happy and thankful to Allah for. We should glorify His name for allowing us to live to bear witness of  the change of worlds. It is a wonderful thing to bear witness of and to see your world, the new world of Islam coming in. Not the old world of Islam, but a new world of Islam.

"Behold, I make all things new."

This is what the scripture prophesied of God, that for the first time, you will witness seeing Him in person. All in the past, except with Moses, the God was not seen in person, because it would bring about a change.

The change was not to come in those days, that would have been a permanent change; therefore, you and I are lucky to be living here today to see the God that will set up the kingdom of Islam to live forever without any future interference.

There never will be an enemy openly attacking Islam, the religion of truth, and righteousness anymore. There is no future prophesy of any. This is the end of opposition and attacks against the righteous and their religion of Islam.

Islam has a beautiful name corresponding with the principles and beliefs. It is very beautiful.

It is doing away with so many Gods that have cropped up in our midst and before our face, since the making of Yakub's world.

Yakub is the name of the God Who made the white race and he made them for the purpose of destroying Islam. But,he missed. And I think that should be a warning forever; that a man can work hard for 6,000 years trying to destroy the religion of Allah, but missed.

We are still here!

Now take the Pakistani Muslim who also translates the Holy Qur'an, this man's name also is Ali.

They both (Maulana Muhammad Ali and Yusuf Ali-of Egypt) mean good, but being a Muslim myself, I want Allah to have all the credit that we can give Him without mistake.

I love saying Allah, I love to read the Holy Qur'an, saying Allah, and teaching me of Allah. Allah is a great name for the Divine Supreme Being, because it covers everything. It means All. Everywhere God is mentioned, He is there. He's All in All.

So, I like that name.

He says in the 5th chapter, 119th verse of the Holy Qur'an...(They use the word "Surah".) Since we're not so familiar with the Arab language, we use the word "verse", which we can understand... "Allah will say; This is a day when their truth will profit the truthful ones."

This is a day on which the truthful will prosper from his truth. Being truthful in the midst of falsehood and get no credit for being truthful, then God will have to defend your truth and yourself too, because you are in the midst of people who love untruth and not truth.

There is a day, He says here in the 5th Surah of the Holy Qur'an, that it will come when the "truthful's truth will benefit the truthful."

If we have served God all of our lives and then a day comes for checking out from those who are against our way of belief, then if the Author of Truth, of which we have been believing in, will not defend us, then we are lost forever and the author of wickedness and liars will prosper.

It would have been better if we believed in lying, if the liar is going to triumph over the truthful.

We have been told all of our lives that a Judgment would come and that God will judge both truthful and untruthful.

We find in the Holy Qur'an where the author of other-than-truth would try denying misleading us and that he will declare himself a believer in what Allah has brought to us like crazy Pharaoh.

He waited until he was near drowning to death before he would admit Allah was the Greatest. That didn't help him much. He had to drown just the same. But to show you that Allah is All Merciful, He gave him a break, just for saying He was the greatest, because Pharoah had tried to make himself the greatest. When he had no mastery over the water, that was taking his life from him, he said, "Allah u Akbar! Allah u Akbar! You are The Greatest! You are The Greatest". Allah gave him credit for admiting He was the greatest. There are many Phaorahs who would like to wait until they see the showdown, then they will admit to you and me that  Allah is the Greatest.  This "wait" is just right around the corner; it's not very far.

The Will of God is what I would like to talk with you on for just a while.

The Will of Allah. Let Thy Will be done. We always want God to do His Will, but we are not always prepared to receive His Will. While we wait for His Will to be done, we are doing our will. This is not so good. Thy Will be done. We must accept the Will of Allah ,today, and not our will nor the will of other than Allah.

To you who have never heard this name applied to the Divine Supreme Being, it means that Allah is the Greatest of all and the All-Knowing One, All-Wise One.

You have too many gods in your religion. We don't know what God you mean. You curse with the name of God and you're always disrespecting the honor that's due to that name if you're referring to the Supreme Being.

We say the Supreme Being and not something in the sort that you declare Him to be.

I want you to get this in your mind. We are not worshipping something spooky or some kind of formless spirit up in the sky. We have never seen anything up there but sky, stars, planets, and that's all we can see up there.

We don't see no God walking in the midst of them telling us on Earth that, " I am the God up here and I am the God down there." We don't hear that. The scientists have made glasses so far reaching into space, that they can tell what's on the surface of planets millions of miles away.

So, what should we be worshipping when it is that which we know nothing about?

It's just a lie which the devil told us, that God was not Man. He knows better, but he didn't want you to worship Allah as a Man.

He has even got some of the Orthodox Muslims believing such lies, that Allah is not a Man. The Holy Qur'an teach you of them, saying that the "Messenger believes in a man."

I don't like to challenge you in no such argument when I know you don't know what you're talking about.

That is why we have a Day of Judgment to test out all of these things that people claim to believe in.

Allah says in His Holy Qur'an, that, "On the judgment day if you bring a god up besides Myself, you will not be able..., " in words to say, " win. " " There is no God.." He says, "... but Me. I am Allah, the Best knower, I am Allah."

Think over that. "If you want to make a spook out of me look at me good. I'm not a spook, but I am Allah."

I stayed with Him and He taught me for three years, four months night and day.

If you think you know Allah better than me, let me question you.

If we are not going to have a thorough knowledge of God on the Judgment Day, when will we have through knowledge?

I want you to remember these things.

We are not here to tell you other than the truth. We are here to tell you the truth, because others have gone before who have done the lying, and using things they had no knowledge of. They would guess and their guessing makes mistakes.

The Bible and Qur'an warns you against such things.

One says to Abraham and Ishmael, " To raise up one among them...," they prayed for this "....and teach him the book.. - the Bible, " ... and the wisdom, for many of them they guess at it.

The preachers who love to be called preachers, after their white enemies, will kill himself and his people too, just to have the white man call him Reverend.

Well that's right.

The Bible teaches it like this, that, "They love the praise of this world and neglect the hereafter. " They just love to do things that satisfy the blue-eyed caucasians.

I care nothing about his blue-eyed devils; for it's written on the Judgment Day, Allah will gather the guilty blue-eyed. This means white people. The guilty blue-eyed. He'd gather and push them in a lake of fire. So, if your blue-eyes don't believe in Allah and Islam, you'd better change them. Have them operated on and put some black eyes in.

The Will of Allah, let Thy Will be done!

Allah has not been free to do His Will for the last 6,000 years. This was due to the time given to the devils to do their will,trying to destory us from Allah and His truth. He gave the devils 6,000 years, remember this, to destroy the truth of us and to destroy us phsically.

I don't think you have studied this too much.

For nearly 40 years I have studied scripture and history, after Allah taught me for three years and four months. He gave me 104 books to study. He gave me the number of them and the place where I could find them. I studied, and He gave me a Holy Qur'an in Arabic, but I couldn't read it. So, He got me one in Arabic and English tranlated by Muhammad Ali of Pakistan. Later He found one translated by Yusuf Ali of Egypt; He brought me that one. Then He told me, "I will give you a Holy Qur'an when you learn how to read Arabic, then I will give you a Holy Qur'an in Arabic. " He said, " I made it myself. " He showed me that Holy Qur'an in Arabic in September last but I couldn't read it. I could only recognize one letter in it. I expect Him within a year to come back with that same book.

A man, you can call Him what you want to, given a job as I have been given, can't take the material things of this world to bring it in as a foundation for another world.

These things here in books, that I have read, will not do for building a new world. We must have a new teachings.

The Holy Qur'an will live forever, Why? Because it has truth in it. I will not say it has "some" truth, it's all truth, if you understand. Notice the Holy Qur'an is unlike the Bible. The Bible is full of prophesy; the Holy Qur'an is not.

The Holy Qur'an is a message directly to Muhammad, the Messenger. This is why it reads, "...say so and so and so. And when they say so and so and so, you say so and so."

This is a direct message to a student under the teaching and guidance of Allah. So I want you to understand these things and why the Bible is a book of prophesy.

The Will of Allah, let Thy Will be done. Allah's Will could not be done until the will of him that was given a certain time to rule us on the planet earth was done.

This god must have the freedom, and the right of that freedom, to rule according to his god. This is the white race of whom I'm referring. There has been many attempts made by prophets to put a stop to the will of the devil, to rule the people, but he was the winner. His will had to be done, because God and the Scientists of God in the world, as we call them, prophets, they could nor overcome the devil.

He was given 6,000 years to force us under his rule, if he could. Such people as prophets, he killed them, and imprisoned them to keep them from interfering with the right of his rule. Up until today, he went after everyone. He is after me day and night.

I don't say that I'm a prophet, because it's the end of prophets. I'm a Messenger of God and not a prophet. I've got nothing to prophesy, because this is the end of prophesy, so I have nothing to prophesy.

Elijah, the man, is prophesied in the Bible. He's spoken of in a few places in the Qur'an as a righteous man, a good man. The Holy Qur'an gives it to him. He was with the number of those prophets. But it is not exactly referring to him as a prophet, becuse Elijah is not to come to prophesy, but to deliver the final message to the people and join with God.

That's why you don't find his grave in the Bible nor Holy Qur'an. You don't find where they buried Elijah, He must go as it is written of him; not that he lives forever, but Elijah's under several other names. The Bible calls this name as meaning "one with God." It says that this man's name means, "God is with us." That is also a true interpretation. God is with us today and I am with you.

The Bible teaches you and me that this Elijah must first come. He doesn't come after God. He goes before God, and this is what the book means. He must first come, but right behind him God will appear. The Will of God,

"Let Thy Will be done." The Christians pray " ... on Earth as it is in heaven." But, you and me never did get the true meaning of what he meant. How can Thy Will, meaning Allah's Will, be done as long as the Will of the devil is practiced?

You cannot set up the Will of God, universally ,as long as He has a free enemy to attack His Will. We must rid the people of the open enemy, as the Holy Qur'an teaches, from attacking the truth and from attacking the truthful ones.

We must rid the Earth of such opponents, who are not secret. They are open opponents.

We must rid the Earth of open enemies and secret enemies.

Let Thy Will be done. As it is in heaven, let it be done of earth.

Your Will shall not be hindered, by no means and by no one. Therefore, God raises up Himself to fight the final war for truth, peace and security for the righteous.

He comes out Himself to be the champion, and leads the righteous to victory.

It is a great thing to know that His Will comes into practice and use, in the last days. Wherein, God only Wills it and there it is.

This is the way it began at the beginning. After God created Himself, He then Willed that the Heavens and that which we see above, beneath and around us, come to pass. He just Willed that.

Here today, we see it. Here, today, we are enjoying it. A Will that was made in space,where there were no planets, and no starlight, but His Will comes true and makes material things to come out of nothing.

The brain had no limit of power. His power was forever to be respected and made known, the Will.

This is what's going on today. When a righteous person becomes so righteous, he gets so close to God, God accepts him as His friend. Then the wills of each, is with each other, and what one wills, the other wills. This is what the Holy Qur'an teaches you and me today, that the Will of Allah is the will of His Messenger, and the will of His Messenger is the Will of Allah.

"I'll will grant you whatever thou desire." Think over that. "Your desire is My desire, My disire is Your desire. The belief in Me is the belief in the Messenger."

The belief in the Messenger is the same. Make the Messenger an object to take your chance with Him, if you believe in the Messenger. That's sufficient-you believe in me.

The Messenger's will is according to the Will of Allah. He can't will something opposed to Allah. Allah has taken over the Messenger's heart, mind, and brain, making him to react according to His Will.

Thou will be done; let thou will be done.

He's on time, that His Will should be done.

Satan has lived over his time. By we, the poor lost and found black people of America not knowing Allah or the Will of Allah, Allah had to give us time to be justified in bringing about an end to Satan's rule.

We are here in the midst, born and nursed by the devil himself. We knew nothing but the devil and the devil's work. We didn't have the knowledge of the devils, which is the science of tricknology.

All these years, he had played it on us. This is why I have been saying that we are teaching the Theology, the knowledge of secret things said in a theological way, which we had not been studying.

We never were smart enough to study the theology side of things. So many of us never went to school for such.

I was talking with a few ministers of the seminary collage on the East Coast, while I was running up and down on it. I happen to be lucky to meet some of them. They quickly gave up and said, "Yes Mr. Muhammad we never were taught what you are teaching us here, at the Seminary college that we went to. They didn't teach us this."

I said, " Surely this lets you know then that they were holding back secrets of yourself and of the scripture, so that you would not be able to understand yourself and teach your people..." They beared witness, "You are right and I believe he's just what you call him."

I said, "You don't have to believe it, stick around a few days brother."

Chapter 5, verse 116 of the Holy Qur'an teaches you and me that we should not have believed Jesus was God. It says, "And when Allah will say O Jesus, son of Mary did thou say to men, take me and my mother for two Gods besides Allah?" He will say "Glory be to Thee, it was not for me to say what I had no right." This is Jesus talking. "If I had said it, Thou would have indeed known it. Thou knowest what is in my mind. And I know not what is in Thine. Thou knowest in full, all that is hidden."

To here where Jesus denies or denies us from making him a God, he was not a god of the sort which the Christians have made him. He denies it even in the Bible where he says that he is something like all other prophets, and that he was not a god that people should take him for. He was like all the other ones; in fact, this may bring a little dislike of me from you Christians, but there is no place in the Bible, in the whole book, where it prophesy of him coming even as a prophet.

I will give you ten thousand dollars if you can find in the Bible where it prophesies of Jesus coming as a prophet.

What you read of Jesus in the Bible's prophesy is myself! The Bible teaches you that the man said, "You read the scrpture and in them you think you have salvation and it's all written of me, and that's right.

Over in Isaiah, you will find where he prophesies of a prophet coming in the last days. This prophet will have the government upon his shoulders. Jesus did not have a government upon his shoulders of which is much needed for a prophet that is going to attack and destroy the Jew's great Christian authority over good religion. He needs to have that knowledge and power.

If he had a government upon his shoulders, what government?

I am not trying to go over the whole entire Bible and Holy Qur'an with you , I'm only telling you things that I know you believe in the opposite direction. The belief you have is without knowing, whether you believe rightly or not.

When a man believes a thing and doesn't have nothing but belief, whether it's right or wrong, and has no proof, he only just believes. He can be stopped with knowledge. Knowledge and belief are different. I can believe that there's an airplane out there on our door steps, but that may be just a belief. There is no airplanes out there.

There are many people who believe angels and Gods appear in the air someplace, but if they're up there, we could see them. There is no such thing as formless spirits flying around in space, unless you want to declare such as the righteous mind.

The righteous has a mind that wills certain things to be done and using certain things which are in the space around, but it's not material.

We are going after the tricknology taught to the world by our emeny, the devil, and bringing to you reality. Without reality, we can't change a world; wherein, God and all of His prophets are believed to be of immarerial things, instead of material things. You cannot do that. We've got to do away with such teaching and beliefs and get the people off the heavens and the earth, and into looking forward to reality, not spooky ideas.

The devil has poisoned the peoples'mind into believing in spooks, spirits, and hearing voices. We can hear each others voice if we are good enough. We can tune up on each other and talk with each other if we are good enough, but if you are not good enough, you may hear a voice, but you can't answer it. You can't converse with the voice.

There are many men on our earth, today, who are real righteous. They can tune up on us and tell us what we're thinking about from Asia, Africa and other spots on our earth that has such people among them.

This is not impossible for you to do; however, you will have to get right.

Our brains are kind of rusty and kinky, the spiritual part of it, from listening to and being guided and lead by the enemy. They have our brain a little rusty.

If you believe in Islam, do the things which are right, take away the cancerous disease of wickedness out of your brains, you too will hear.

In the Bible, you find where David said that the Lord opened up his ears and caused him to hear; this is referring to us here. We can do wonders, and will do wonders, if we obey Allah and carry the principles of truth into practice. We will do wondrous things.

Allah raised me up in your midst to do an unbelieving thing that men of science will wonder, "How did it happen?"

I'm not bragging on myself, I brags on Allah.

Let Thy Will be done.

In the creation of Almighty God, Himself, I tell you of the reasonable and possible things.

I was not there and have not had any teacher to tell me they were there. I have not had a teacher to teach me, except Master Fard Muhammad,  of how things came about and how the things, which man has never known, happened. All we know is that it happened, but how? That is the question.

IN the making of God, Himself, He could not have had a Will until He had brains capable of thinking. He was Self- Created from an Atom of life. He, as well, had to produce flesh, bone and blood from the earth that He was created on.

I want you to know this well, and I will repeat it time and again.

I will go to no limit of an argument with you, that He was made on the very Earth that we are on now. It was not exactly as it is today. It was only an Atom itself.

Let the Will of God be done.

As I said previously, His Will could not be done as long as He had an enemy powerful enough to force his will against the Will of God, until a certain time. Now is that certain time in which he can't force his will against the Will of Allah.

The day and time of having power to force his will against Allah's and against the representatives of Allah, the prophets, is up now. He can no more force his will against the righteous, because the God of the righteous has now appeared in His time and now His Will is being done.

We all are just not understanding what we should understand. We've been carried away with the devil's teaching of imaginary and formless things. We must get away from that now and come into reality.

I don't blame the devil for trying to hide himself as long as he could. He even goes so far as to say in the Holy Qur'an, referring to you who believe in righteousness, that he had no authorities over you. He just called you and you came. You were scared to disobey; but the little man speaking to you from this rostrum don't fear to disobey him. If he invites me to that which is other than truth and righteousness, I will disobey him, and then tell him, "Make me to obey you"

God has taught me, so thorough, about the knowledge of the devil, that I'm not afraid to tell him to go jump in the lake. A very fiery lake is being built for him, not a lake of water, but a lake of fire.

According the teaching of Allah to me, North America is that lake of fire. Not lake Michigan, but the lake is on the Earth of North America. The atoms will be exploded and set afire.

Everything that is on this "Earth" of North America. He said to me, that it will burn for 390 years, close to the time that they have kept us here.

It was near 400 years that they kept us in servitude slavery. So, Allah will burn them for that length of time. He's just that angry with them for destroying us, and then making enemies of His people, against Him.

If you only knew these great words, you would be happier than you are. The Will of God is the same today as it was when He first made Himself known to us trillions of years ago. Your will to do something other than righteous is not your will. That's the will of the devil.

The will of the devis is a foreign enemies' will to you and me.

He didn't come with us. He came here late, just 6,000 years ago. The devil was made, not created. He didn't come with the creation.

This people that we are so disgusted with, and given the run-around by, had just came here 6,000 years ago. That's a very short time in comparison to our being on Earth.

A man who says that he doesn't like being a Muslim and he's a black man, must know that it's the very nature of the Black man being a Muslim. He doesn't have to ask Allah to make him a Muslim, but must ask Allah to help him rid himself of the actions and principles of Satan. He must then ask Allah to give him his actions and principles of self, which he was made and created in.

The Holy Qur'an teaches us that by nature we were made or created righteous, but Satan made us according to his rearing, which is other than righteous. He made us with the mind of doing as he does. This is why it is so hard to teach and lead our black people of America into the knowledge of themselves.

They were rearded by the devil himself. The devil is a murderer from the beginning. He taught you to murder, but to murder yourselves and he helps you do that.

Get away from wanting to murder each other. You look alike. You are alike. Why should you want to kill each other? You should want to see each other live.

In just a few days, you will learn that Elijah Muhammad is teaching you the truth.

You can prolong your lives by doing righteousness.

You can prolong your lives by eating the right foods and eating it only when necessary.

I have another edition of  "How To Eat To Live" coming on to you. You will soon have it in your hands.

God teaches and leads me; meaning, Allah in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, teaches me how to teach you how to live and be happy.

When a man has no sickness in his body, we call him happy. He is happy. He doesn't feel no pain, then his body is happy.

My beloved brothers and sisters, this is the life that Allah wants you to enjoy; a life of happiness.

This is known to the Orthdox Muslim world, so much so, that they will hide their own sickness if they are a little sick. They won't tell you, because they know they have no right to be sick. They made themselves sick. It is not the Will of God that you get sick. You make yourselves sick. It is not God that makes you die, you kill yourselves. He doesn't have a set time for you and me to die. We kill ourselves by the way we live.

"Let thy will be done, as it is in Heaven," so says the Christians.

He is the One to let them do His will without being hindered from doing His will.

The Christians are so full of spooky ideas, that they cannot see the reailty of God nor His angels. Angels will walk all around them and eat with them, and they would never know it's an angel. This is true.

This is because of the far drawn idea that all of these things are immaterial or beings without flesh. Nothing comes from us that is not flesh. We can see it. We can hear it. We can talk with it; then, it can't be something other than flesh. This is the tricknology which the devil taught our fathers to believe in.

All these things are just the opposite of what they really are.

Let Thy Will be done.

We want the people of Earth to be separated. The people deserve the Will of Allah to be done. Let them go to Allah and obey Him. Let them believe in the people of Allah, especially in that Last Messenger whom He has chosen, because I am that man.

There's one thing I would like to say to you that we...we, means my followers and self...are planning on many great things for the South side of Chicago. This is where the greatest number of us live. We have decided on making the South side of Chicago a very beautiful place for us to live in.

We have decided on building from 7800 block on Cottage Grove to 87th Street on the Eastside stores and warehouses. We're going to put in these stores merchandise of which the price will be unbelievable. So much less than what you have been paying the devil for.

I was talking with a Pakistani merchant who came to my home a couple of days ago. He offers to sell us shoes, of which he had samples, and other merchandise at an unbelievable price. It was so low that you will have money to carry home to your wife.

My idea is to send my people of ours, around to various people of our kind to order merchandise or wearing apparel from them.You're going to be surprised. It's almost unbelievable.

We are robbed to the very marrow of our bone by our enemies, who robbed us of our labor for 400 years. Now he wants to rob us with high prices to keep you a slave, but I think I have you lined up for a great surprise with everything that you want, coming from the Muslim world.

Why should we spend our money on high-priced merchandise of the Christians, when more of us are on the planet than they.

We have country after country filled with Muslims and they have merchandise that we need to wear.

Why should we waste our money with enemies, when our brothers will let us have it at a third of the price of what we are paying here now?

I'm going to order a few thousand shoes and a few thousand other necessary things that you do wear. I will pay for them myself of you don't want to by them. I will pay for them and give them to you, to show you how you have been robbed, while calling yourselves Chirstians.

If you would come over to what you really are, which are Muslims, believers in Allah and Islam, you can keep about a third of the money you're spending and live good.

I'm ordering a few loads of good fish at a very reasonable price. You can eat them, and walk the streets with a full stomach of good fresh fish of the good type, then keep the other part of your money in your pocket.

I can get fish out of all waters of our Earth at any quantity that I want.

We want to get started living inexpensively. We can now try anything we want from any nation of the Earth. We can buy from Russia if we wanted, but I think China and the other people are better. You can buy from China. You can buy from Korea. You can buy from Japan, and you can from all the Muslim governments of the earth.

This is open to you now. Doors of salvation have been open to you and to me. Let us avail ourselves of such a great opportuinity so that these doors do not close on us.

We are up from slavery with nothing, so let us be wise as Allah is teaching us and his people, and try getting on top with the world.

Borrowing money is very hard to do, especially from your enemies. They want to hold you down. You're going too fast for them anyway. Promises after promises have been made, but very little money has been materialized.

As you heard about the Muslim countries loaning us around near three millions dollars, that's true. They are promising us much more, it take lots of money to build a nation.

When you hear us telling of someone giving three or four million dollars or loaning us three or four million dollars, it's just like someone loaning you three or four dollars when you really needed a hundred dollars.

The people will regret that they were non-helpers to us soon. I tell you of a truth that is bound to materialize.

Allah has promised me millions and billions and hundreds of millions, and billions of dollars, but I have to wait until it's time. He will release it certainly on time.

He doesn't have to go somewhere and borrow it. It's here in America.

In past history, you will find when Allah was angry with the people, He always destroyed that people and took their wealth and gave it to the poor. So, don't be surprised if you're given wealth.

I'm talking with people that want to see themselves upgraded. I don't want it for myself, I want it for you. I don't need anything but some clothes to cover my nakedness and a house to sleep under the roof, when I'm able to sleep.

I want to thank you for your honor and respect to my wife's dead body. I never seen a person's body honored as you did my wife. You greatly honored it.

I was told that there were somewhat around five hundred cars out in the parade.

I do think that I couldn't ask you for more respect and honor than you gave  to my wife's body. I hope and pray to Allah that the honor that you gave her will always be remembered.

This is all we can do for a dead body; that is, to respect it for what it did for us when it was alive.

These things come by the Will of Allah and we shall quickly forget it, because we are also on the same road.

Not a one of us is on a road that won't lead to the same destination (death). Let us not forget that.

Prepare ourselves so we will not unless we die as a Muslim.

It is not mentioned as "Muslim" in the Bible, but it means the same. He says there in the prayer, "Let me die the death of the righteous." We glory in Allah to guide us even through death, that we show the world that we die the death of the righteous.

This you find with the prophets. Some of them in the Bible pray for the same thing, that they wanted to die the death of the righteous and the did do so. Although some of them were slain and murdered; yet, they died a righteous person in the mind and heart, according to God.

They could not have died any better at the hands of an enemy, who violently destroyed some of them.

In this day and time, you can die the death of the righteous if you live a righteous life. Allah will let you die the death of the righteous.

What is meant here, is that you are not suppose to suffer.

A Muslim told me once of a Muslim dying in the Mosque over in Asia. He said he died on his knees saying his prayers. I said that's a mighty good death.

I was told about many righteous people and how they sleep. Allah takes them out of life and they are gone to the life of the unknown, wherein, it has never been known to have any life there.

What I'm saying to you is let us pray to Allah, do righteousness and try and die the death of the righteous.

I pray that each and everyone of you will not die unless you are Muslim.

Everybody wants to die easy; this is true and that's natural. We don't want to know it, because that's the end of us. To be like that, be righteous.

This is true of our teaching and the Bible bears us witness, for you to hurry, hurry, and get out of the name of white people.

Hurry, hurry and claim the name of Allah and your people. When we say Allah, many times we are referring to the Supreme One among us, Allah. His name is Allah, the Supreme Being. We call Him Supreme, because no other being is His equal. We don't mean that He's a spook.

There is no such thing as a God having joy in us,Who is something other than what we are, or some kind of formless something. No.

All the Gods Who ever were for us were flesh, bone, and blood. That's what they were. They never was a formless God, and there never will be. God could not get joy out of us if He was not one of us. He's just Supreme in wisdom and has power to Will a thing and it come to pass.

Let Thy Will be done.


He just Wills a thing and it comes to pass. He has conferred this upon the righteous; that is, if you love Allah,obey Allah and His Messenger, Prophets, and do the Will of Him who is sent to teach you.

You also could will a thing and it will come to pass, but don't will a thing and then be supicious of whether it will come to pass or not. You then are disbelieving in your own prayer to God. And disbelieving in God Whom you are directing your prayer to. Whatever you ask Him in prayer, believe that He heard it and it will come to pass. If it's not vain things, then it will come to pass.

I asked Allah something of which you may not know. I saw my wife in a condition with a disease. She had a cancer, and it had been with her every since He came to us. He told my wife in my presence, " Sister you have a sick stomach."

This sick stomach traveled with my wife up until the day she died. She knew these things and I knew them. I did not want to tell our sons and daughters of the condition which their mother and my wife was in, or they may have grieved themselves.

I've known it for over 30 years, but I kept it to myself. I knew what was wrong. God had told her and she knew it, but there was no cure for it in the way that you were taught.

I asked Allah to bless my wife to come home and die. I said, "Don't let her die out there in the hospital of the devil, least he laughs and say, ‘The prophet brought her to us to heal. Why did not he go to Master Fard Muhammad if he thought that He was God , to get her healed? "

So, I asked Allah, knowing Allah, in Person, to take her away from that hospital and let me bring her home to die. I said, "Because the devil is bound to laugh at you and me." I kept asking Him for three of four times, and I felt that He would do so, and He did do so.

I told the doctors that I would rather see her die at home. So they admitted that I was right, and that they would find some way to get her out to my house. I said,"Yes, she'll come out, I'll let her die right here at this house." I said,
"Because I don't want to be laughed at by the devil and I don't want the devil to try to make mock of the power of our God."

There are things in that line which must not be ignored. God is not going to do no miracle for us unless its necessary, when it comes to death, because one day we're going to die anyway.

As the Holy Qur'an teaches us, "Allah did not design that no man should live forever." So don't be thinking that.

It says in the Holy Qur'an, some of us wish that we had a life of a thousand years. Well, that's the dread of death. If it pleases Allah we will die very easy.

No one knew when My father had passed. There was no struggle; no, nothing at all, until the nurse examined him and found him dead.

I had just left the hospital for an hour, an exact hour. I know what he had told me, I wasn't expecting him to live. He talked to me very sanely. Before I left, he told me all of what he had heard the doctors say. So, I left to take my mother away,fearing that she would break down if I tell her what he had said, pertaining to him passing away from us almost at anytime.

I came home, and before I got settled in a seat good, the telephome rang. They told me that my father had just passed. I wasn't surprised. We returned and began making preparations for his burial. "He didn't make one struggle", they said.

This is the death which the Holy Qur'an is teaching you of . "Die not unless you are a Muslim",so that you don't feel the sting of death. It's a kind of visitor that we don't never want to visit us. If he visits us,don't let us know you are here, just take us away.

This is what the Holy Qur'an teaches, that you pray to Allah that you die the death of the Muslim, meaning the righteous.

I have much that I would like to say to you on many of these things. When I think that you can take it, I'm going to tell you, but I will wait on you. This makes an intelligent person out of you, when you come and accept your own.

You have already accepted the devil.What you have is the devil's, and if you want to go along with the devil, theres no objection. We don't object to you going to the God that you believe in, but we hope that when the day comes, Allah won't miss putting you in the middle of hell, because you rejected your own.

Not on the outskirts of it, but drop you right over in the middle of the lake of fire, because salvation came to you and you rejected it for the fire.

You won't make no mistake, if it be the Will of Allah. I won't make no mistake, because I am suppose to be designed by Allah to help push you into hell, like Moses helped push Pharaoh into hell.

I'm in the same position as that man that you find in the Bible. When you turn me down, I'm going to be all but satisfied. I will be just like yout Bible teach you, "And the Lamb was angry."

I've worked for you over 40 years trying to get you into heaven, and then you turn me down. I wish then to put you in the middle of hell.