I looked at a little church once, and from the outside it sounded to me like they may have been talking to at least three or four hundred people. So I said, "Let me go in this church". That was in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I looked around and I didn't see but about a dozen people or less, "What are they making all this noise for?" I went in and it was a sanctified church. The pastor, as I realized, was a woman.
I sat down and she started patting the tambourines and what not, looking right straight at me. After a while, she came back, when she had them all in a high tune, and said, " Are you saved?" I said, " I don't know; that's a mighty big question," I said, " If I'm not saved, I'm in a terrible condition. "Well, you stay right there."
She got to preaching. She had a stick in her hand and she started pointing it right at me. She came back later and she said, "How do you feel now? Do you feel like you're saved now?" I said, "I'm not too sure." So, she told me, "You keep coming here and you will be saved." I said, " Thank you."
I looked at the poor woman and I said, "What a pitiful thing." Now, our people have been robbed so by the devil, that they go along and insult the God of truth and justice, the God of wisdom, the God of understanding, the God of our Saviour, our God.
This lady, after she got through, asked me, will I accept Jesus. I said, "May I have something to say?" She beckoned to tell me to come on up. I said to myself, going up there, " You think I'm coming up to join your church, but you're mistaken."
"Tell them whether you are saved or not, tell them whether you want to join up with us or not." She started just patting her hand and when they got quiet I said, "That's a great thing to say that you are saved. As long as we are black people.... " I told her, " ..we are saved, but as long as we believe in whte people's religion we are not saved,"
So, she told me she wasn't teaching white people religion, and that she was teaching Jesus'religion. I said, "Oh, thank you, that's the teaching I'm teaching, " So she started patting and beating pans again.
She asked me, how long had I been saved. I said, "Ever since I've been born."
You can find a lot of things that our people, who have not the knowledge of themselves and others, just don't know. It makes you feel like crying, not laughing at them, but crying over them.
We are face to face with the Judgment and if we don't understand that we are face to face with the Judgment, we may be the loosers.
America stands before death. America is doomed to death. America is bound to go to her doom, because of the way she has treated us. America have mistreated the black man in America so long, that God cannot hardly wait for us to choose our way.
You can say yes or no, I don't care. I'm perfectly independent of what you choose.
God came to me in 1931, in Detroit Michigan. He taught me for three years and four months, In Person.
I was not dreaming. I was looking at Him, In Person, for three years and four months. He taught me night and day. I used to be glad to get a little sleep.
When He would tell me, "I will be back"; I would say, "I hope it would be long enough for me to get a little sleep."
He taught me what you hear me teaching you. Three years. Night and day.
I don't think I would be wise to say that I taught myself, and I taught you thus and thus.
No! He taught me thus and thus. I didn't know anything. I didn't know my name. I was calling myself by the white man's name.
So, whatever you hear me say here this after noon, it came from His mouth in the way of Divine.
Whenever you hear me talk about other than that, it was me; but, the Divine came from Him. He taught me about the non-divine and who the non-divine was.
I have been teaching it for 40 years. Think over that. I'm no boy. I've been teaching Divine Wisdom in America for 40 years. I didn't start when I was a baby. I'm an old man and I'm ready for you.
Today we are here and we thank you for what I have to say, or rather, I should make it clearer, what God has taught me.
All black people are the brothers of each other.
You have been told that all people are brothers.
In the way of being people we are brothers, but we are not all brothers by races and nations. We have a stranger in our midst and that is the white man. We are not brothers to the white man. He is a total stranger . He didn't come from the God that we came from. He came from a made God, not a created God.
Our God is a created God and we are created people, but the white man is a made- man. Yes, he didn't come here with us. We've been here ever since the Earth was made.
We were right there beside our Father Who made you. We the black people didn't come from white people, but white people came from us. We made the white man and can do it at no limit of time.
When it came to us, we were created.
If this were heard and believed among you, this alone would set you free.
When he represents himself to you, he puts it in such way that you don't make a mistake that he is not the created man, but he is the made man. He puts himself in his place, but you take yourself out of place when you follow him and call yourself the same thing that he's calling himself.
We have no equal. We've been here on the planet earth, according to the teaching of God to me, in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due, every since light of our created Man appeared in the total darkness.
We are not people who came here just 6,000 years ago. We are people who came here trillions of years ago.
The white man is a made man from one of our scientists, 6,000 years ago.
That's no time with us. We've been here for trillions of years, and if you try to compare his time to our time to calculate it down to The Number One Man, that's self created, you wouldn't hardly find a second to give him in time.
Take a trillion years and divide it by 6,000 years, then see what a little time you will have there; then take 6,000 year and divide it into 6 trillion. He hasn't been here that long. Take that same 6,000 years, push it pass the 6 trillion years and move it tover to 76 trillion years and you will hardly be able to find it.
You may think that Elijah Muhammad doesn't know what he's talking about. How could you have heard of anything like that following a baby that's only 6,000 years old?
How could he know anything about billions and trillions of years with a man's voice ringing throughout that time? How could you hear it just being 6,000 years old?
We don't care nothing about the little white man. We don't care anything about his big talk. We know it's like a little puppy running along side a great big hound. He doesn't know how old the man is who's walking around with a big cane, cracking you across thehead. How long has this big shot been here? He's been hear six days to our counting. He's not been here but a few days. Six thousand years is nothing to trillions of years.
Black man, remember, you are the Father of Creation.
Black man, remember, that no white man can dispute with me.
I'm a God taught man. I'm a God raised man. I wear this on my head, but we dare the white man to wear it publicly, but once a year.
You know why he can't wear it, but once a year? Because he had nothing to do with the making of it.
The Black man made this Fez. I mean the Sun, Moon and Star. The white man knows nothing about the creation of the planets.
This is why I want to teach you the Theology of it.
Anything in the Universe and anything on Earth about human beings or life of any kind, I'm here to tell you what Allah has taught me. I don't think you'll be able to make Him out a liar.
You know, I'm pretty tough fellow, especially with these brothers that I've been knowing for over 40 years. I know they don't want to be called 40 years old, but I've been knowing them for that length of time. My son-in-law, Wali Muhammad, he has my name.
You know, when I found him, he had the devil's name. He started following me and married my daughter. I thought I would make her call him after her name, because I didn't want a son-in-law in my house called by the devil's name.
In this world, we worship and love to be called by the white man's names. We love to look like him. I'm going to see if whether you love to look like him. The white man has been here for only 6,000 years and he has ruled.
I have learned to be humourous with people to gain friendship. If you're going to be stern and tell them about the pitchfork that Satan's going to throw them in the fire with, you'll only get blank faces, but tomorrow morning you'll wake up and say, "Oh, I don't believe that."
No, we don't want to fool you. We're going to talk about some fire, but its not the kind of fire that disappears overnight. It's the kind that lingers around and you feel it.
We were never taught to read the Holy Qur'an by the white man. We never were taught that there was a universal religion, besides his, that was called Islam.
He never did talk about any other religion, but Christianity.
If God made Adam and He waited until Adam's children got about 2,000 years old, then He sends the teachings (the right religion) I'd say God put Himself in a very ugly position.
The people could charge Him and say, "Why did you leave us without a religion all that time?"
You'd say these things!
Was it 2,000 years after Adam, before He sent Jesus with the right religion? Just think over that.
What kind of God was He?
It is said that this one is the best one. And if you believe in Jesus and Christianity, then you will go to heaven.
What about all those people before Jesus was born? Where did they go?
Just think over these things.
What kind of God was that Who created the heavens and the earth, then would not create for man a good religion until He gave birth to Jesus?
Just think over this.
I don't expect for you to just think and reason over it. Would God be so evil that He would let us live here all that time before He would make us a good religion and a good man? You say Enoch was a good man. What religion did Enoch have? You say Moses was a good man. What kind of religion did Moses have? Just think over it for yourself.
Moses was so good that He sent him into Egypt to bring Israel from bondage from the house of Pharoah. Well, then, what religion did he preach to them? "He didn't go by no religion. The prophets said that he brought Israel out of Egypt by the hand of the prophet," But what kind of religion did he carry there? They said Pharaoh didn't have no religion. He worshiped cows and what-not.
What did Moses worship and what kind of religion did Moses teach Israel? Have you ever thought of this?
We still had to wait 2,000 more years for Jesus to be born. Did Jesus have a religion? Answer to yourself. If he had a religion, what was it? He said that he didn't come to change the law of the Prophets, but to fulfill them. What was the law of the Prophets?
We need to know where we're going; where we're headed. Since the white man has risen up among us and claimed that he has the right religion...I want you to know, Mr. Devil, Who do you think your fooling while blinding the peoples' eyes to the knowledge of the religion of the Prophets?
I love to get after this devil! He tells us to believe and follow Jesus, but how about Moses? He don't teach you to follow Moses, he said Jesus.
What did God give to Job or Moses?
Was Moses' religion different from Jesus? No!
You say, "Well what was it? Tell us the name of these two great prophets' religion."
What about Moses' people? Did they go to hell?
Talk back to the devil and you will find that he will run from you. Face him with truth!
The God that taught me calls him the Skunk of the planet Earth.
Don't be afraid. I've been here 40 years teaching this.
He is so wicked and so filthy that God calls him the Skunk of the planet earth. Look at him going nude. This just fits him - a skunk. Taking your wives and daughters and stripping them, then parading them up and down the street.
All of your knowledge is spent trying to make and model a nice respectable daughter, and he goes out there and makes her disrespectful, pulling off her clothes, showing her shame up and down in the public.
The Holy Qur'an says, "He pulls off their clothes and shows the nation their shame." Believe it or not, but you can walk out the door and see they're out there doing that, or maybe she may come in your own house. You don't have to walk anywhere.
Just look what he did to your daughters, your wives. He made them pull off their clothes and made them to like it. I'm only telling you the truth.
What does a preacher, Baptist, Methodist, or Catholic, look like preaching to you decency and there sits his daughter with nearly all of hwer clothes off. Just think over it.
Any of you, preachers, folling the white man in pulling you wife and daughter's clothes off in public need to go back and ask God, "I think you made a mistake if you sent me." You say that "God sent me", but I say, go back and tell Him that He made a mistake.
No minister of any religion will allow another people to pull his wife and daughters clothes off and made them walk in the public nude almost. You would never be able to convert me. No, because you should first do like the preacher in the jungle of Africa and Australia and other far off Pacific Islands: preach to the savage to hide his nakedness.
This is the first preaching we give to a savage - to cover your nakedness.
You're here in what is called civilization. Think of over it. Civilization.
You say that you are a civilized mand and got your daughter and your wife walking out there in the street half nude. Is that not what we see in Africa, in certain spots? Yes, I've been there.
I have traveled a little in Africa myself and also in Asia. I'm not telling you something wrong. I'm telling you what I know. And if you've been there you will bear me witness, that you saw the same. It's ugly looking.
Wives sitting down under a shade three with her body near nude, with her baby nursing from it as though this is the right civlization.
We've got to civilize people. We've got to go to Africa. We don't consider Africa's people of the jungles anything for us to follow or be taught by.
If you're not civilized, you can't lead a civilized person! Talk back if you are ignorant. I've been around a little myself. and I know what you have. I'm not guessing. I know from actually seeing. If you tell me to go to Africa, I will go there. But don't tell me to go there to be civlized. I'm already civilized and I'm ready to civilize Africa.
Some of us rise up boasting of Africa. I say, first get civlized and go there and civilize Africa. Then we all are together in civilization.
As you see the drawing at the head of our paper, MUHAMMAD SPEAKS...He speaks too!
We love African people like we love you, in a way. Not quite as much, because they've been free and they let England, Germany and other European people go over there and rob them, push them back in the jungle and take over their country.
I dare us to get a country. They certainly won't push us over and out of it. I'm only -------------- you up on just simple things.
We love Africa. That's why we have our hands joined on the upper part of our paper. This is just what we want to do with Africa. We want to make Africa our brother. But Africa cannot lead us until they, themselves, have become perfectly civilized.
What God has taught me is a perfect civilizing teaching. It's not something you could add to, and make civilized. It's perfect civilizing teaching to civilize any savage, regardless to where he comes from.
I have been visited by many Africans, many of them right here in my home in Chicago. They come to me. They are happy to meet me and I'm happy to meet them.
There are many fine scholars and scientists in Africa. But in all of their knowledge that they have, it is not from the right source. The white man has taught them. They have some of their ancient teachings, but now it must be replaced for the new wisdom, knowledge and understanding that is brought forth to liberate the black man all over the earth and that knowledge is here with me. I am not saying this to criticize anyone. I want to join handa with you and br your brother, but not with what England, the Dutch and these other slave making rascals gave you. They gave you their knowledge to enslave you like they did us here America and Africa. Anyone coming from out of the country of America sees you acting a little fookosh, and ignorant, they jump on and rob you; yet they don't give you anything to relieve you of the robber that you were bron under and brought up in his system. I'm here to fight any robber . As the Bible teach you of me, and you thought it was the Jesus of 2,000 years ago, but it's Elijah. " All before me were thieves and robbers, " this means leadership. Jesus could not say all those before him were thieves and robbers, because he would have been classifying the prophets before him to be thieves and robbers. He could not have mentioned anything like that. But it's me. I'm the one who is to say that, in the spirit and knowledge of the prophets that wrote it, not before Jesus. Those were prophets before him and not htieves and robbers, but thieves and robbers were before me. Robbing you of all they could. Every black leader who came beforde you was out robbing you most all of them. Thefy akways liiked to see how heavy your pockets were and they set out to rob them. I see how empty your pockets are and I set out to put something in it.
The time that we are living in now is the Judgment of the white folks and America is number one. God has made the whole world turn against America in order to destroy her. As Daniel says in the Bible, prophesying of America, under the four beasts. Think over it. Four beast is the name given to the four greatest governments of the white man by the prophets. He didn't call them nothing but beasts, and now you want to call them angels while the prophets call them beasts. That's about what they are. They have a human look, but their characteristics are that of a beast. You may not believe me, but the time will prove that I am teaching you the truth.
The drawings of the Wheel is found in the first and 10th chapter of Ezekiel. He said he saw, in a vision, a wheel in a wheel. It didn't come down to the Earth. He said he saw it rise up from the Earth.
I want you to listen to me good.
I thought that it would have been best if I talked about this wheel.
Ezekiel said that he saw in a vision of a wheel in a wheel. Now you see, not only the outer part of the great wheel did he say he saw, but he said he saw a wheel in a wheel. Where is the other wheel Ezekiel? If Ezekikiel say any vision, he wasn't seeing visions of lies. Whenever they have a vision, it's the truth. He said he a wheel in a wheel and that this wheel rose up from the Earth. He didn't say nothing about where it was made at on the earth, but he said a wheel rose up from the earth and that it got so high that it looked dreadful.
He said when he looked at it, he said, "Oh wheel, oh wheel, wheel, wheel."
So it must have been a great think for Ezekiel to behold. A wheel, he said, got so high that it looked dreadful. Out of that wheel, he said, he saw something come down from it. He called them Cherubims. We thought that he was talking about angels, but that was not angels, that was another plane coming out of this plane.
This is a plane here that measures, according to what Almighty God taught me, a half mile by a half mile. That's a mighty wheel. When it flies over the place where it's going to drop bombs out of it, he sends one of the small planes. Then it drops a bomb out of that plane onto the earth.
That bomb that he drops has a bomb inside of it. He has in that bomb a thing made like an Earth drill, like you see people drilling out here in the streets. He has that type, but it's so much more powerful. It comes down from this plane, drops it one the earth and when it strikes the Earth, a motor goes off in it which takes this bomb into the earth a mile before she explodes. That bomb has a steel drill that batters and won't stop until it drills a mile. At that depth, the explosion goes off. One hundered per cent dynamite is used in it, while the white man is presently using 70%on Earth.
God taught me that they use a 100% type of bomb to drop on the earth from a terrific height, depending on what height the mountains are to be. If it is to be a two mile high mountain, the drop a bomb in the Earth to go down two miles into the depth of the Earth.
It, then, will blow up a mountain two miles high.
The wheel does not have the dreadful bombs. These bombs would only go into the earth one mile he said. They will blow up a mile high mountain.
This wheel has 1,500 little planes. It has 1,500 of them on it to drop off on America.
They will go a height over North America and will drop off these bombs. They will save three of these bombs to drop on England.
It will only take just three of them to rip England apart.
I'm not trying to frighten you to believe, that's immaterial to me. I'm only telling you what was told to me by God to tell you, before these things take place.
The plane will make one trip across America and drop her bombs and when she drops one, she knows the distance of which the explosion will take affect, then three of these planes will be sent to the British Island to take care of England. Believe in what I'm saying or wait around a few days.
This plane will go above the Earth, 40 miles, to unload those bombs on America. She'll get up 40 miles, "Oh we have jets that fly that." Right! Brother, when this plane unloads here deadly destruction, you won't have no planes up there. No. They won't fly up there with your jets. They're going to get rid of you jets on the ground first. "How are they going to do that, Mr. Muhammad?"
They'll do it like this: First thing they will do is destroy all of America's airplane bases. They will also destroy her planes that you see flying at the speed of sound. They will get rid of them first. "How are they going to get rid of them?" They're going to make her and her enemies get rid of them.
She has enemies who have the same thing that America has. They will be made to fight first to rid each other of the other, just about. They will almost kill each other. This is what they're being driven to now, to do away with each other.
As one scientist said, "America, the white man, would not be successful using no such high explosions on him, it wouldn't work." They will do them like the Muslims did to the people who live over there in Turkey.
The Turks almost annihilated them when they thought the last was had started. They all but annihilated them, but some of them are still around, the Armenians. That's who they are, Armenian Christians.
They first thought that it was time to get rid of the Christians, so they went out and slaughtered Armenians like nothing, until they were told it was not time to kill off white people.
That's just what we're going to do, get rid of all white people who are the devils of black people. You will see.
They will bear me witness, if they were in here. I could make them bear me witness that the war that is breaking out now, the war of Armageddon, has already begun.
This is to get rid of white folks.
You didn't need to go over to Vietnam to fight. No! What are you going to fight for? If America wins, you still will be her slave nigger, and she will have Vietnam besides you? You won't win.
Those old ancient Hindus who are fighting over there against American Christianity, Allah put them to fighting, because He doesn't want either one. So, He let America, the Christians, kill Hindus all they want and then the Hindu will be killing her too, but they probably will not win; however, let them kill each other, because we don't want either one.
Notice how quiet the Muslims act in this war? You never hear him telling no Muslim to go to war to defend either side, because they don't want either one of them, Christian nor Hindu.
A Hindu is one of the oldest enemies of God or man. You're running away talking about, "Our people are kill our people," just because he looks like you. They've been on this planet for 35,000 years trying to destroy God and the religion Islam. Do you see a Muslim in the work of my God that I could get to take one of these bombs and one of these planes, then fly over their territory, I will show you how long they will be here.
There may be some Hindu believers in here, but I don't care. Yes, I'd fly over your territory and kill every one of you, if I could. If you are here, I don't love you myself. I don't care if America kills all of you and you kill them too. I don't love either one of you.
"Oh wheel, wheel, wheel!" Think over the prophesy looking at it; "Oh wheel, wheel, wheel," looking dreadful while loaded up with bombs to rain on America.
God told me that He makes one swoop across America and America will be all but finished off.
Just three of these bombing planes are to go to England. That'll be the end of England. Just one of these bombs will take care of her Islands, that's all. It will go in the earth one mile, which should bring up a mountain for a mile high and kill the civilization for 50 square miles around it. Oh brother, don't come trying to make war with God. It's a dangerous thing to do.
Today, every kind of deadly weapon is being manufactured to destroy man from the face of the earth. They all are angry with each other as the Bible prophesies. "...And the nations were angry...God, Himself, is angry, but the time had come for the dead, that they should rise up and be judged according to justice."
It's there in your Bible in Revelation.
God was angry. The Lamb was angry. Everybody was angry, because the war of the devils were against God and His Messenger.
God and His Messenger were both angry. I'm angry now and ready to fight. This is why I'm here. I come out alone. I don't have any armies with me. My few followers are very weak, they have no arms. If they follow me to my God, they have perfect arms. Arms that don't miss.
Save yourself from this war. This is a terrible war. Everybody's throwing at the other one all he has: deadly bombs, guns and everything. They're doing it. They're prepared to do it. If you don't have a Saviour in this day, it is time to make haste and get one.
Over in Europe, it's at at boiling point. In America, it is to the point of death. Everything is pointing at her. "Oh, save America" you will say.
Yes, if America had not destroyed you, she could be saved, but she has destroyed you. Night and day, she's killing the Black man.
Someone must stand up fo the Black man.
I have God on my side to defend you. Storms, rain, hail, earthquakes, droughts, and plagues of all sorts are going on.
I won't tell you that I'm doing that. This is what they want to charge me with. But I say, charge it to the Right One, The Powerful One. That's God, Himself. Not me!
Certainly I am with Him. Certianly I hope that He will rid us of our enemies.
I have given you a description of what is in the sky. There's a scientist or tow on it that knows every spot where America has got her dreadful planes, which are scouting around with bombs that is capable of ripping the Wheel apart, but they can't get to her.
If America's bombers are over California, the Scientist on the Wheel just sneaks away into another place.
He has seen it. The white man admitted to me they have seen it. But they can't get to her. They are like the Jesus was when he was here. He had the knowledge of tuning in; hearing what you're thinking about. If the Jews started in on him on one side of town, he would go on the other side, because he heard them in his ears, when they were planning to come near him.
One out of every 180 of the righteous can hear you thinking over here and tell you what you're thinking about.
There was two of that type of people visiting my home. They both look like brothers. Whereever there is a God raised man or prophet to do a big job, these type of scientist visits him to assure him of their friendship, that whenever the right time comes, they will be with him. "We will take care of you". These are the type of Scientists that you read of in the Bible who wanted to go forth and do this and another one do that. These are the ones I'm telling you about, who visited me at my home. They have orders, by Allah, to do a certain job.
Each one is to do a certain job. Like you read of it in the Bible, that one Scientist went out, and his job was to send a plague of wind or send a plague of storms or send a plague of fire or something like that. These are the type of men I'm speaking of. I know them and they know me, and every one of them has a job to do.
It's seven of them. Allah says that the job is not enough for one, but seven of them will be ordered to do it. And think over it. These are not spooks. They are men!
Last of all, is that dreadful angel which places one foot on land and one on sea. That's the dreadful one. That's the 7th one.
The book says, and Allah affirmed it, he lifted up his right hand and his left hand to heaven. This is way Muslims pray. They lift up their hands and they pray like that, both hands. He said in his words, "Time, time know it now, will soon know no more."
He then cuts a shortage into gravity and sets the nation on fire.
This cutting a shortage means cutting a shortage into the atom of the gravity of earth and make the atom over the earth explode.
When they explode, they set all the atmosphere into a flame of fire and there is no people that can live on the earth, because it all will be in a flame of fire. This is the way the heavens and the earth will be displayed, as the Judgment of the Bible teaches you.
The flame will only go up 12 miles high, but it will most certainly get you who are on the earth if you don't get with Allah.
Our people have never been taught about Allah. They've been taught of God. Well, in fact, that's one of the attributes of Allah: "God," and Allah is God. And He has 99 of such names. Each one means something of Himself, and of His power and wisdom.
Don't sleep. This is what The Book said happened with the five wise and the five foolish. The foolish went to sleep and Judgment was called before they could wake up.