Theology of Time - October 22, 1972


We have a program, which you may not like too much; it's a program of doing something for self. With millions of us here in America and with millions out of America, we are trying to tell you that you're going to have to move. The people on the outside are pushing in and they're not using these kinds of weapon. They're not coming in talking; they want to come in shooting. I want to teach you how to get out of the way. One place in the Holy Qur'an and then there's another place in the Bible where, it says that, "We have heard of this, since our fathers fell asleep, you've been telling us this." God, as the Bible says, does not wish to destroy any of us. He wishes that we come to understanding, believe and accept your own so that He could take you home into your own and not carry you to hell with the devil. He's forced to do that if you don't accept, but if you will accept, He will give you a little time, and hold the work back until you make up your mind.

The time that you've been given is very, very long overdue. If the so-called Negroes would not have been here, the devil would have been destroyed as soon as his time was up in 1914, but since you were here and you're the ones God was seeking, the time was delayed. You delayed yourself. I'm here to tell you today, like that last angel; he said, "Time, time knowest now will soon know no more." I'm with him; I can easily bear him witness to that truth.

The time that you have known will be no more. They are tired of giving you time. So, as I heard my father use his imagination about that trumpet, he said Gabriel will blow a trumpet that's into parts. Each part measured 9 ft., which made the trumpet 27 ft. long. He use to preach that fiery stuff. A poor brother look like you wouldn't hardly be able to get ready. I'm not saying it's 9ft. each length of it, but I'll say this, that the time which you have known, you will soon know no more. These people are getting ready and I'm trying to hurry you and myself to get ready. Hurry, hurry, lay hold to your own. This is what I'm here for.

We have, as you know, our program which is, doing something for yourself. If God will give you and me the kingdom, we have to learn how to keep up the kingdom. If you give a man something and he doesn't know how to keep it up, you're wasting time. We must learn how to keep it up. As the Bible teaches us, that you're raised up to rebuild the wasted cities; that's here in your Bible, so those who will waste the cities are the ones, out of whose way, we want to stay. They will be causing trouble. I'm looking for capable people to help me to put this job over and put it over at once.

We want you to know that we need your service, every one of you professional people. We can't come in and just say, "be well," and you will be well; we have to get well. As soon as I can get myself well, then I will show you how I got well, then you can start practicing, but I must go through what all the other prophets went through.

Remember the book, it says, when Job began complaining, God answered him out of the whirlwind. He came to him pretty tough. He asked Job to answer Him then. Job was not ready to give an answer to what God was asking. They were questions which Job had never been questioned on. He condemned Job in the first words; He asked, "Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?" He criticized Job for throwing in his little excuses and accusation of the God, making the truth become dark. He asked him just a few questions and Job ought to have known how to answer those few questions.

He asked, "Where wast thou when I laid the foundation of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding." God was speaking to defend his questions. Now, Job if you can answer some of these questions..., This is what it means, "If you can answer my questions Job, your own right arm, your own right hand can save you." Think over that. Just go ahead Job and answer Me for a few minutes. Job told Him they were too heavy for him; he couldn't answer the questions. He ought to have told Job to shut up then.

I'm not going to tell you to shut up; I'm going to tell you to talk. I want you to open up and talk. I don't want you to shut up; I'm looking for laborers and the day is far spent. You hear lots of things going on, and you heard that the East is now joining up with East, you heard that and you read it, but you don't think it's talking about you or that it won't disappear with your big chief here in America. He's the big boss, but I say God's got the boss on a rock surrounded. America will have to be a bigger boss to get out of it.

You notice that America's money just continues to fall? You notice that nations are continuing to unite on the outside of America. In a book there in the Bible, it says that they said, "Come, let us go up against her, noon day, let us go and take her while she's asleep." This is referring to America. It's the Asiatic Nation who are the ones taking her. They're about ready to strike and the country knows this to be true. I'm not biting my tongue to tell you this. They are ready to strike the nation of America. They're all uniting together against this one to lay hold on her and lay her low. Our God said to me, "My greatest desire is to bring this devil - this is what he used - this devil to his knees.

We're in the midst of this great cloud, and clouds of water are being made up and all aimed towards America. I want you to take an interest in saving yourselves. Don't think that America is prepared to keep them from coming in on you, she's not. No, she's not able to ward off this type of enemy that is coming against her. They have united all over Asia to focus their guns on America, and remove her from the planet Earth. They are not going to give her a chance to live somewhere else, but are going to remove her from the planet Earth.

My friends, I'm telling you the truth from the mouth of God and His prophets. America is going; she's going. As the Bible teaches you in a symbolic way, it says, Babylon is falling; why is she falling? Because she had become the habitation of devils and a cage for every fowl and hateful bird, this is your America. It's there in your Bible prophesying that this country is nothing in the world. It's filled with nothing, but devils and those who are not devils, maybe that's you, who are full of hatred and carrying fowl spirits.

I'm here to talk with you on such subjects as this, which means judgment of someone or some country. This is the country that we're living in. In another place in Revelations, it warns you and me to fly out of her; flee from her and be not caught into her snares. This is the truth we have before our eyes, and have been reading it every since grandmama was around. You'd better begin respecting it as the truth you are reading, because there will be no more. Some of the worldly scientists are now bearing me witness that this is the truth. They doubt if America will live another three years. This is the devil himself saying this, according to what he has learned from the Lord, sent through the mouth of His prophets and apostles, that America will hardly live three more years. I bear him witness. I have not told you this, but I can show it to you in black and white.

It says that the end came three years after the death of Muhammad's wife; maybe you can find it. This is in the table talks of Muhammad. Also in two or three other places, by the scholars of Islam, they have described the death pretty well. I read it years ago, but I did not ever want to say anything about it until after her death, because she had many children and grandchildren and I didn't want them to know it. But there's much to tell today that yesterday we didn't want to tell.

We have many things which we'd like you to know. These things being put in a man's heart over 25 or 30 years ago, I was forced to keep quiet until the time came when we could take many things of truth that we didn't know. I stayed with God three years. He taught me night and day. He didn't let me rest night and day while teaching me of the world of the Blackman, not of the world of Blackman-kind, but the world of the Blackman. The "kind" is the devil, Caucasian. He is the "kind of a man." He's mankind and we are Man. He doesn't mind confessing that he's mankind; he calls himself that and he will admit it.

I am to teach you Wisdom, Divine Wisdom. I can't hasten it, because you have never had a teacher such as myself. I am a teacher that you don't meet every day. I can go to the doctor’s office or to his clinic or to his hospital and he won't know the difference from me than he would any other patient. I'm not here to show off. I've been taught how to teach you to get well and stay well. "Well then, why don't you do that Mr. Muhammad?" Because I had to fulfill. The sickness that came to me, I had that to bear anyway. If I had not, then I would not be the man that I am. I have to bear that which others bared when they were here years ago and thousands of years ago.

I'm a fulfiller; therefore, I have to go through that which prophets went through thousands of years ago, in order to make it worthless for you to have another prophet. That's right, you don't need no prophets after me. I bring you face to face with God and the devil; therefore, you don't need no more prophets. I'm fulfilling in your presence that which Moses, Aerial, Lot, Abraham and those before them. I fulfill all of them right before your face, but you don't know these things, because you never study scripture. The prophesy of the scripture, you don't know it, until I open it up to you. You will read where God, in the Bible, teaches that He would send you one to teach you the scripture, and in the Holy Qur'an, it plainly teaches you that God will send you one to teach you the wisdom and the knowledge of these things scripturally. Since you have not been too much of a scripture reader, I'm here to put your minds back in it, so that you will find the truth that I am teaching you; it's there.

We are so proud in these days and times, from the teachings of the devil, we don't have time to listen to spiritual teachings. We laugh at them, because the devils made us like themselves. He, himself, don't care nothing about listening to truth. He knows that he's one who was made without truth; none was put in him. When you talk to devils about truth, he laughs and begins to look mournful and he'll soon dismiss himself, because that's not the nature of him to sit and listen to truth. However, reach over and get your old banjo or some other musical instrument and start playing, blowing off the blues, then you make him happy. He's a happy man then, because you're not giving him that, which by nature, he was not made to listen to, and that is truth. They want to come here, but they know they're not fit to sit here and listen to the truth, since the truth is against himself.

The Holy Qur'an is our book. It's late; therefore, it being late coming to us, we then are late in receiving it. Let me read a verse or two of the opening chapter of the Holy Qur'an. It goes something like this: "In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds...," Not one "world," but of the "worlds." Notice that it has an "s" on it. "...the beneficent, the merciful. Master of the day of requital." He's the Master on the judgment day. It follows up with the witness of the righteous, in these words: "Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech for help." If we serve a King, that King is the one to help us, because we are His servants, who are we going to serve and from whom are we going to look for help, but our Master? "Guide us on the right path...," To whom are we looking to be guided on the right path, if we serve Him? No one that we can see. "...the path of those upon whom Thy has bestowed favors...," This is the opening of the Qur'an. How beautiful. "The path of those upon whom He has bestowed favor, not the path of those upon whom wrath has been brought down, nor of those who go astray." We don't want no such thing as chastisement.

I tell you brothers and sisters, the Holy Quran is a great book. It's a book which the devil can't call a lying book. This is one book he don't dispute. He recognizes it to be a book full of truth; therefore, he doesn't argue about it. Most intelligent white people have a Holy Qur'an in their house. They told me that when I was in prison.

A guard was a Muslim Shriner and he said, "Why wouldn't they let you have your book the Holy Qur'an, I have mine? You are Muslim. They're trying to force you to read the Bible, because I asked the lieutenant, "Why won't you let him have his Holy Qur'an?" He said, "That's what we got him in here for, let him read the Bible." He swore back to him, "That's a shame to let him be deprived of his Holy Qur'an and then your government tells him that he has the freedom of religion."

The Bible prophesied of a day and time when the truth would be made so clear that all could understand it. It's becoming so clear today, that even they themselves wishing they could join up with the truth. They ask me weekly could they join. I tell them no. He says, "You mean to say that not none of us are right?" I said, "Let me give you an example: There's a lot of snakes; some of them are harmless, yet he's a snake." He started laughing. He knew I was after him. So, it kind of tickled me; then I said, "Surely there are many white people who's better than others, but they are white people."

They're always asking me some kind of question wanting to know, "Can't some of us get by?" I told him that I'll give him a description of Egypt, when Moses went out of Egypt, some of the Egyptians went out with him. I said, This doesn't mean that every white person is going to be killed on that day, no. Many will survive that day, but they will go back to their own like the Turkish people. They're not going to be killed, because Allah told me that they would not. They've been trying to practice Islam, though they are white people, they try to practice Islam and are Muslims. They are Muslims by their practice, but by nature, he's like you and all the rest of you. By practicing the faith of Islam, God gives him an extension of time. He would do you the same if you would be able to practice it. The devil said, "I don't mind the thought of it." I said, "Well, that don't get it yet." He said, "I don't find no fault, but I don't practice it."

The good book says, that if you believe and carry it into practice.... A belief that is not practiced goes for nothing. We get along very well, as long as you know that a snake will sting you; therefore, don't go up playing with it. I tell you these things, so don't take them for jokes and play; just remember, at all times he's a snake.

"If, Muhammad, we're living in the Day of judgment and we all will have to go to our home, what does our home look like?" It looks like this: The Earth, which you and I are on. This is your home. You're not going to be taken up in the sky no place, unless it's in a plane to take you out of trouble, to another spot where the trouble is not going on, but you are not going to be taken care of like you read there in the Bible; wherein, it says that the angels will come from heaven. You've been looking for spirits to come out of the sky, but no; not like that. The angels will come from heaven alright, but they're men and not spooks, like you think. They are men and they will come in planes to take you up out of the troubled area and fly you to another peaceful area, out in the far Pacific. The Bible prophesies that you will be taken to the Islands far away. They do have places out there where they can take care of us permanently, forever. You may live on some of these Islands.

There is New Zealand. They have already cried out that they can take all of us, but I don't think you'll go to New Zealand right away. You might spread out in that area later on, but I don't think you're going now. I don't think you're going nowhere, but here. If the scripture is true, and it is, that the Lord said that it is His own good Will to give thee the kingdom; well, if it's His own good Will to give us the kingdom and backs it up by other prophesies by saying, "He taketh the kingdom from whom He pleases and gives it to whom He pleases," this is a broad hint that He will take this country and give it to another people. If He doesn't do that, He's well able to destroy it and give it to no one. He showed me how He could take the country without striking a match. He can take it without even lighting a match; He doesn't have to have no fire. He can take it very easily and you can go around and get even with Johnny for mistreating you.

This is as true as I'm standing here, and He's shown me how easy He can do so with the punishment He puts on some of my followers who were hypocrites. As good as they say, "What can He do with that;" that's the way it was actually shown to me. It wasn't in no dream. These hypocrites were after me to take my life. He let them get to me then He got a hold of them and brother, I don't want Him to get a hold to me like that. The Holy Qur'an says, "It is the worst chastisement." He don't chastise like anyone else; it's worst. It's the next thing to death. When you get something next to death brother, you're in bad shape. I saw this. He's shown me just how that He will chastise those who will not believe and obey. He doesn't want to kill them; He told me not to do so. You say, "Well, I can slap you down with one hand." Well, that is right, but you can't slap that which I may desire against you down like that.

One thing I must remind you of, I cannot accept you working for me unless you want to be right. If you don't want to be right, you won't be working for me. I will be working against you. I want you to know these things, professional people, that I'm here to lay the foundation for a new world, a new government, and we can't follow the old world and it's government which we have known. We're going to build a new government and the government is the government of righteousness. The hereafter means after the destruction of the wicked and their wicked government. That's what we mean when we say, hereafter. The hereafter is coming soon for America. She is the first to be destroyed, because she has mistreated us so terribly wrong, until God is tired of waiting on us to make up our minds to leave evil and come over to righteousness.

As you have it there in the Bible, it goes something like this, "Let him that is righteous be righteous still, let him be wicked be wicked still, for I come quickly as the Lord." This is the quick time that He's making up His mind to come.

He has given us 60 or more years to make up our minds. That's a long time to wait on a people guilty of doing every wrong there is; no good at all. You have been given that time from 1914 up until today, and that's a long time. Living among the wicked who invents more wickedness every hour for you to practice; he doesn't let you sleep at night unless he entertains with nothing, but evil and filth. He keeps your mind on filth and evil. So, God is tired of America. They were the first to bring us here and put us under a slavery condition and now still refuses to repent for her evil deeds; as one white devil preachers told me, "I know Muhammad, we are guilty of this and I wish to do something about it. We have treated you all terribly, terribly bad." Well, he was just bearing witness to what I was charging him with. He wasn't doing this voluntarily; I had himmed him up, cornered him, and forced him to admit these things.

They will admit that I'm teaching righteousness, if you go out there and ask one; they'll tell you, "Who, Muhammad, he's teaching you all right. I hope you remember this and we'll see how many of you are going to believe Muhammad." They may tell you that. He told me out of his own mouth, "Muhammad isn't it true that your people will not believe anything that you teach or tell them unless we, white people as you call the blueeyed devil, put our stamp of approval on it?" They won't believe anything, and that's true.

I have a son that I tried to put through college. I sent him to Al-Azhar in Egypt, and he's still is a disbeliever. He told me, "Dad, when you go to these colleges and universities, they make you an infidel. They don't believe like you do." I said, "Well son, you know better; believe it or let it alone." He said, "No dad, I didn't mean that you wasn't right;" I said, "Well, I mean this: What I said, that you know, now you can take it or leave it." He teach a school in Tennessee, down there to the devils. Leave a man to what he wants to be. Don't try to force a man to believe in that which he doesn't want to believe in, because you'll have only a hypocrite.

We are at the crossroad; we've got to accept or reject, one or the other. These men coming up here dressed up in the Moon and Star, these are the people of the hereafter. Now don't think you can get by if it's not in your heart; it's got to be in your heart, no show offs today. These people are not showing off; they have it in their hearts. The whole entire dress can be singled out and spoken with understanding in these few words: Freedom, Justice, and Equality. Freedom that you have never had a chance to enjoy, because you've been with your slave master who is depriving you of freedom; also, justice have never come to you. Equality of nations has never come to you, but now it's coming to you. You can wear this uniform anywhere on the planet Earth and among any nation you are welcomed. They will welcome you. They will say, come in, because they know you're not a fool with that Crescent wrapped around your shoulders and head. They know you're not a fool for you to wear that. They who put it on you, taught you what it was and that's right. I teach you what it is and teach you what it means. You can go anywhere on the Earth and use what I teach you. They will say I'm teaching you right. I'm not going to teach you anything, but right.

We were put on a slave boat by the name of Jesus. John Hawkins named his slave boat by Jesus' good name, and felt that since you believe in Jesus, okay here's your Jesus. That's an awful thing to think of. He now tells you that this slave boat, and prison house, which he brought us across the water on, "that's your Jesus."

You could beat him with fine stones and think that you were giving him cool water. He could take an innocent person out of his home and bring him into a far off country, straight 3,000 miles across nothing but water, then tell you, "I am your master; I am your God. Don't tell me that your name is Ali or Muhammad, your name is Mr. Culpeper." They gave us any kind of name: Mr. Wood, Mr. Bird, Mr. Fish, nothing. Now today, Allah has found us. The Bible proceeds His coming with a prophesy; "I will go and search the Earth for my people and when I have found them, I will bring them again among their own people and in their own home." Brother this is beautiful. One writer said that when He found them, that he went back and told the people, then in the end, He finally says to his angels, "Go and bring everyone who is called by my name. I have created him for my own self, for My own glory."

Today, He's after us, offering us the beautiful names of Muhammad, Ali. Those are two great names. However, we're so proud of being called Mr. Brown, Mr. Jackson, or Mr. Culpepper, and if you ask them, "What do they mean," they can't tell you. He doesn't know what it means. All he knows is that the white man gave it to him. "If I'm not named that, what am I" - He gets kind of proud. He wants to give you words. He may be a doctor in an office or he may be some professor in a school. "Tell me what my name would be 40 years ago? We couldn't hardly tell him that. We're much better now, but 40 years ago, he would have cursed us out and laugh at Muhammad and argued. "Those funny names, where did he get those names?" They call them funny names. I was trying to get them to accept those names then.

You can't go back to your people, not even in Africa, with the white man's name. Many of you say, "I'll go to Africa," but when the check up day comes, they'll send you back, because you must have a Muslim name. Islamic peoples' name will see the hereafter. You can't go with the white man's name, and in Africa, they will tell you that. When the time comes for your separation, you must return to us with the name of Allah. We all have to go in His name and the Bible teaches you that. Why should not we leap and jump to get out of the hands of the enemy who hung up our mothers and fathers on trees, and beat them with chains after he got them over here?

Why shouldn't we be happy? You don't seem to be happy to get out of the devils name. You're walking around like a sheep, while the slaughterer is slaughtering the other sheep. One sheep is going along just eating grass, not paying any attention. That's the way we are; we don't pay any attention. Look at these boys who got killed lying there sleep like a rabbit sleeping in his bed, not paying any attention to the dog, and here comes the dog eating him up, but a dog won't grab a rabbit when he's lying asleep in his bed. He'll make a noise so the rabbit can jump up. I have hunted with dogs going after rabbits in the South. That rabbit dog would go and catch the rabbit by scratching down into his bed under the grass, and if the rabbit is lying down on its back, the dog won't jump right on him like that, he'll take his feet and pat the grass, making a little noise to allow the rabbit to jump up run. Then he takes out after him. He gives him a chance for his life. But, look what these devils did with these boys out there. They were laying down asleep. The devil didn't wake them, he sent a blast of bullets in the men while they were sleep. He had him surrounded anyway, why didn't he just tell him, "I got you covered; do you want to go without fighting?" That would have been just, but he was a coward, and afraid of them.

The devil blasted the man's life from him. The dead man never saw his enemy; he didn't know what he looked like. He died before he could be awakened. He didn't know what killed him. See what kind of people you're live among and you praise them and wish you could stay on with them forever; look what you are doing. These men would not have gotten killed if we had helped them, but that would have stopped us from seeing another name like that. "Why didn't you and your followers, Mr. Muhammad, take revenge for such then?" The reason I didn't take no part in it is because they had asked me to stay out before they got killed. I spoke about them before they ever got into this death and killing stuff; they came to my house. When I spoke of them in our paper, they asked me not to write no more about them; they said, "Just keep your paper and don't put us in it." So, I said, "Okay" and I didn't, even until today. God told me to go ahead and let them do it, and I left them alone and now they're almost wiped out. I knew this group was coming, so I went on and took myself in my house, put my mouth in my own paper and didn't say nothing about them, because they didn't' appreciate it. They don't appreciate it even today, but tomorrow they will.

Some of our people are so dumb that God Himself can't help them, that's right. They are so dumb to the knowledge of self that they don't accept God, because they don't know God, and they consider God just something of a prophet. They will soon know; it's coming to pass. Fly to Allah for refuge in this day and time.

Think over storms, earthquakes and cold weather of which the scientists keep telling you is on the way. The cold is going to be so terrific here one of these days, that you can hardly breathe for death walking down your nostrils freezing up in your breathing tubes to your lungs, this is on its way to America. You will find heat from the Sun that will be so terrific that you can't breathe it, and you'll be running seeking hiding places to find a cool breeze. That's on its way, as sure as I standing, these things are about to hit America.

Earthquakes are terrible, because they don't give you no place for refuge. Occurring under your feet, you don't know when it's going to make a crevice that will drop you a mile deep into the Earth. It opens its mouth and swallows you up according to the Qur'an. That day is so close for these things, that you really think I would not have been risen up in your midst to warn you of these things if they were not coming to pass or soon.

There is no other Messenger or prophet coming after me. I'm the last one of those kind of people. No Warner will ever come after me. The only Warner that will come after me is that One of Whom you read about in the Bible; wherein it says, "He went and placed one foot on the sea, one on the side of land, lifted up a trumpet and his words were, "The time as you know it you will soon know no more." That man will have his foot in those positions, because he's going to cut a shortage in gravity, so Allah taught me. We had read it, but we didn't know how He was going to bring it about. He said the way He will do it, is cut a short in the gravity like a shortage in these electric wires in the wall. When he does that, all the air over land will burst into a flame of fire and the water will not burst with fire, but land only. These flames will leap up into space 12 miles - they will be that high - nothing but a flame of fire burning the atmosphere. The atmosphere that you breathe will become a flame of fire.

These things are now pointing at our home here in America. He said this is the only part of the Earth that will be covered with fire. Other parts of the earth will not be covered with fire. This part will burn, He said, for 390 years. No one will be able to stay here or come here with a flame of fire cutting through the atmosphere 12 hundred miles high. That's a terrific flame of fire. After you get 12 miles up into space, you don't have good air to breathe anyway. You have to come into something to give you oxygen.

You have been listening to the truth of judgment. I warn you to get ready now, not to wait like the people of Lot, and the people of Noah. Don't wait until the last minute, because nobody loved us but God. They don't want us; we're too ignorant and disgraceful of self. Nobody wanted us, He said to me, but Himself. If it had been left to them, the other Scientists would not have given this devil a chance at all, they would have killed him as soon as his time was up, because they had been waiting for the time. He said they were ready. He said, "Some of the boys, young men, teenagers and whatnot, they would go around in circles singing a song, "Take me, take me to North America; take me, take me to North America, the land on the shore of Tennessee. I promise my Allah I will not return until I push the devils in the hell." That's how much they love you, and they hate the devil for mistreating us.

I sat in a certain airport, and once I was just leaving and was talking to a Muslim who was half owner of the airport, and his father owns the other half, he told me, "Brother Muhammad, we know everything that goes on among you and your people. If I just had the chance to go to America, so I could fight for you all until I die. I wouldn't want to come back here. I would just like to go there and just fight for you all." He was crying when he said that.

Think about the people that loves you and you don't love them, and to think that they would come and fight to the death to save you and me. Just think over these things, and when you see one, you laugh at him and his heart's full of love for you. They know they cannot talk to you, so it will make sense, because you don't know yourself or them. My sons Herbert, Akbar and myself looked at that man crying over us, and he was sitting in his own airport.

The style of homes the architect built for me, in front of my house, I chose them from residents that I found there in Damascus; however, he has added even better and more beautiful accents to it. They love you and me. This architect is trying to build me some of the finest homes that the Western Hemisphere ever built. That's the truth. You ask any white man, he'll say, he never saw houses like this in the West.

Well, Allah said money, and good homes. Those are good homes; each one costs $400 or more thousand dollars; that's a mighty home. The one on the corner is costing 1 million dollars. So it's fulfilled what He promised. He said, Money, good homes, and friendship..., well, I'm having that. I have friendship in you and the houses are coming up from Allah. You can't say you're not my friend, because I'm your friend and Allah sealed the friendship with Islam.

Let us make our people respected . Take the woman in at night, don't leave her out there for a show off for yourself and strangers; take her and run her in house - not right now - I will tell you when. You may get in trouble arguing with the husband who may say, "My wife can stay out as long as she wants to; you got nothing to do with her coming in nigger." That's the way they will talk to you. You won't have to run her in, if she keeps coming here. She'll go in herself. She doesn't want to be out there where she's insulted, then she'll make fun of you. "What kind of husband do I have that don't try to protect his wife?" I know women, they make fun of you sometimes; so, let's fix her up so that she'll even be ashamed to even come out at night, walking around in the streets among insulting people.

We must get up from out of the salvage cage, that we're in, here in America. We must get out of that stuff if we want to be respected as equal human beings on the face of the earth. Who wants you in their homes? Who wants you in their cities? They're not going to let you disgrace them. Over in Asia, I have been in cities; wherein, they don't let your wife walk by at night in the streets. She has to go in. She might change some brothers mind, so the police will run you in or put you in jail. This is what we need, then we can look at our wives and be happy that they are our wives and not somebody else’s sweetheart. Join me and help me put the nation on top, that's all we need. We need to get up out of the human filth that we're in, then push ourselves up and pull up the others; this is what we need. Our women are not hard to make clean and truthful, brothers, if we go after them right. Don't go after them with sticks, guns and knives. They will obey you when they see that they have a husband who is upright, clean and want them to be clean. They will follow them and come on in, because they will soon see that you are getting respect and they are not.

You know, when a person has access to the same thing daily, when you bring him some more of it, it is not in any way nothing new; therefore he says, "I've been hearing this all the while." This is the way the old Muslims are; they will say, "Haaa," but the new ones will say "Yes," that's because the old ones have been listening at it a long time, but they will tell you quickly that, "I have enjoyed listening to it, that's why they can't keep me away from here.