Our Savior Has Arrived

Chapter - Christianity Versus Islam


In Examining the truth of the two religions, Islam and Christianity the basic beliefs in Christianity are:

1. God is the Father;

2. Jesus is His son, and

3. The Holy Ghost; and these three are one God.

Note: Adam is supposed to have been the first man that God created, but he is never referred to as the son or as a begotten or only son.

There is one thing I hope to make clear to my people and that is: the Christian religion, as taught and misunderstood by them, is not what they have thought it was. Jesus’ history refers more to a future Jesus than the past. There is a prophecy of a Son being prepared to redeem man (the so-called Negroes). This Jesus made His appearance July 4, 1930 and His work is now in effect.

Jesus (Isa) of 2,000 years ago cannot do us any good nor harm. It is outright ignorance to believe that He can. We should be intelligent enough to believe in that which can be or has been proven true. Making the Son and the Holy Ghost the equal with the Father is absolutely sinful. There is no proof that there was or ever shall be a time when people will return to life after they are physically dead. There is no proof that God was the father of Mary’s son, nor is there proof that He is alive some place waiting to return for the Judgment.

The Holy Qur’an’ says: "And they say: ‘The Beneficent God has taken to Himself a Son.’"

Certainly you have made an abominable assertion. The heavens may almost be rent thereat, and the earth cleave asunder; and the mountains fall down in pieces that they ascribe a son to the beneficent God. And it is not worthy of the beneficent God that He should take to Himself a son" (19:88-92). God is self-sufficient. He does not need a son to help Him with the people. "What do then those who disbelieve (the Christians) think that they can take my servants to be guardians besides Me? Surely we have prepared hell for the entertainment of the unbelievers" (18:102).

The Christians who are guilty of disbelieving in Allah and His religion, Islam, and who charge God with getting a son by Mary and here warned that Allah has prepared hell for them. You should question the teachers and their teachings of any religion. Take no religion with the knowledge of its truth, lest you be made a fool.

Jesus did not make Himself the equal of God. The Holy Qur’an says: "Jesus said: ‘Surely I am a servant of Allah; He has given to me the Book and me a prophet (not His son) and He has made me blessed wherever I may be, and He has enjoined on me prayer and poor-rate so long as I live!’" (19:30-31). We cannot find anything to give Jesus as a title but a "prophet" and He did prophesy. BUT as the Holy Qur’an further says: "But parties from among them (the Christians) disagreed with each other, so woe to those who disbelieve, because of presence on a great day" (19:37). There just is no defense for such false teachings as the religion of Christianity. Who can say, with truth, that they have seen the Jesus in flesh and blood after His death? Who can say, with truth, that the Holy Ghost or spirit is the equal to its producer? The very emblem of CHRISTIANITY IS disgraceful to the righteous: a cross and the image of a man nailed thereon with a crown of thorns on his head and a wound in his heart. Such signs the so-called Negroes should never look at and they should hate and abominate the one who offers them such ghastly and shameful emblems. Most times the crucified figure is nude except for a strip of cloth over his private parts.

This is the very way that they lynch so-called Negroes; mutilating their bodies and then offering you a piece of the rope that the man was hung with as a warning to you that you will be next. They burn the cross as warnings to you even though the cross, they claim, is sacred among their religious believers.

I say with almost tears in my eyes: brothers and sisters give up believing in such a religion and join on to the religion (Islam) of our father, Abraham, and take for yourself the crescent for your emblem which is universally recognized.

The truth has arrived for us, the lost-found members of the darker people of earth here in America, to stop playing the "fool" among ourselves and the world of mankind and make up our minds whether we are going to hold on to that religion which the white race teaches us or believe in the kingdom of the God of our people which is taught by our people.

We make fools of ourselves to please our enemies (the white race). The average so-called Negro in America is not concerned about love and unity among his own kind but is really interested in trying to get love and unity among other than his own kind.

Of all the histories of people upon our planet earth, past and present, we can find no people who have loved their enemies and hated themselves but the American so-called Negroes. They love and admire their enemies and all that goes for their enemies. They are ready in an instant to dispute, oppose, and kill you if you are not likewise.

I am a lover of my own people and a hater, like God, of all our enemies and I fear only God who has raised me up from among my people to bring them out of the darkness of falsehood into His right of truth so that they may enjoy heaven while they live. There are but a very few so-called Negroes who have spent any time examining the truth of the Bible and the white man’s Christianity. Therefore, they are without the real truth of the Bible and Christianity. I know the consequence of trying to bring truth to our people who are in love with those who have taken their fathers out of truth into falsehood. But my life and my death are for this cause.

If we are to accept a religion that is said to be from God, we should diligently examine the truth and the author of that religion, its people, and the contents of its book or books before we bear witness that it is the truth from God and the right religion. Let the so-called Negroes take a second look at the Bible; every word which white Christians want Black men to believe in from God. There is no mention of a religion by the name of Christianity from God or the prophets. Again we must remember that God does not represent Himself to us in the opening or closing of the Bible. He is represented by someone other than Himself.

There His creation is pointed out to us as a proof that there is a Supreme Being over all this universe and that it was made in six days (Genesis 1:1-31). God does not address Himself to us throughout the first chapter. Not His religion nor even the name of the representation of God is mentioned there.

This reader is without authentic proof of just who is the author of the book called Genesis. You must remember that from the King James authorized version of the Bible, it has been only 346 years and you have only been permitted to read the Bible for the past 90 years. The white man, our slavemaster and enemy, had the Bible over 250 years before we were allowed to read the book.

Now you seem to know more about the purity of the Bible than those who translated it into their own language. Not only do you try defending the Bible as being the word of God, but you try equally to defend the white race and their wicked world.

You must remember and never forget that the white Christian race made slaves of our fathers and will not allow you now to rise above the status of a free slave! Why is the Pope, who lives in Rome, Italy, the head of the Christian churches when Jesus was born in Palestine and did the greater portion of His teachings in and around Jerusalem? Why is not Jerusalem the capital and head of the Christian churches? We (the Muslims) took Jerusalem and the tomb of Jesus in 1187 A.D.

Certainly there is a Saviour predicted for you, but not the one of two thousand years ago, but the one that Jesus prophesied would come after Him who will redeem us from the hands of our enemies.

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