Message To The Black Man

Chapter - Do We Have the Qualified Men and Women for Self-Government


The answer the above question is YES! We do not have to be equal in knowledge with every nation to be successful in operating our own government. Were those whites who first came to this country seeking self-government equal with England's Parliamentary Lords?

There are probably many independent people who do not have among them many who have the "know how" of the American educated class of so-called Negroes. We have enough technicians, such as mathematicians, construction engineers, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, physicists, chemists, educators, agriculturists, navigators and aeronauts, among the 22 million or more of us. You will find scholars or scientists whom we can use in every branch of government; then there are our own independent people outside of this country who would be glad to help us get going in a country or state for ourselves. We do not expect to build, nor do we desire to build a government patterned after the order of the white race. Naturally we would need help for the next 20 or 25 years. After that, we would be self-supporting! The spirit of "doing for self" is now fast coming into our people. They only need a new education of self and others.


Unity under the crescent of Islam is all that is necessary for you and me to become the world's greatest people. The lying and slavery teachings of the white man's Christianity that has crucified our people all over the earth must be given up! We must accept the true religion (Islam) of Jesus and the Prophets before and after Him before we can be successful in doing anything.

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