How To Eat To Live Book II

Chapter - Doctor Falls Victim of Same Sickness


EAT ONE meal a day. Eat one meal every two days. Eat one meal every three days. Of whatever choice you take, it is going to help you, if you eat the right foods. This people (the white race) who have been our teacher in everything for 400 long years, did not teach us to eat right, because they were not eating right themselves. And, they, their children and their doctors all live about the same span of life. The span of life between the doctor and his patient is the same. Having a long life is the way we tell whether or not we are taught right in the way of prolonging our health.

LESSEN our sickness, the doctor falls victim of the same sickness and the same diseases as his patients and his span of life is the same as his patients. This professes beyond a shadow of a doubt that the doctor’s teacher did not teach him right -- how to live. You may like me to mention something? The white race did not try to persuade the doctor against alcoholic drinks and eating the pig and other stale meats of the land and the food of the sea. He teaches him to eat all the scavenger life of the sea that Muslims are turning down. And, the white man eats just the opposite of the way the righteous eat to keep the righteous from saying that he follows us. This is why the white man does not like us thinking against him and his own will. But, he must not do the same thing the righteous does, for the righteous will then tell him: "You were supposed to rule and teach the world that way, for our way will teach you of your ownself. Make a world of your own and do not follow ours to prove that you are good." And, this, he has done. Therefore, he went out eating all the filth and taught you to eat it. And, we who believed in his world and in his wisdom, fell for it. This is why all the judgment is here.

IF THE MEDICAL DOCTORS and the theologian teachers and scientists of chemicals, are indulging and are not successful expanding their own lives in what they are offering to us to eat and drink, then why should we follow their way of life? The chemical doctors go to the earth to get chemicals to heal themselves and us. These chemicals soon will destroy both. And, their bodies were not made to be supported by chemicals for health and longevity. The fact is the body of man was not to be drugged. This white man brought all this "stuff" on us, because he was not going to be righteous, and he went to the earth to try to find a ‘god’ for his belly in drugs and chemicals. Now the ‘thing’ is catching up with him with what his own hands have produced. And they are willing to confess that these things are not good for us. They are turning down much of their medication, which is absolutely poison and detrimental to us. It is prophesied in the Holy Qur-an that when God of Truth, Freedom, Justice, and Equality Comes, He Will Force this evil world to confess their evil. And, this, they are doing.

And, many of them are shocked over their own doings. And others are trying to teach you that their Brother is wrong.

I MET a priest a few years ago, and he told me out of his own mouth that he knew they have mistreated us and he hopes to do something about it. He looked very sick and very repentant. There are some white people who want to be good, but the essence that they are made of forces them to do otherwise. Therefore, the Bible warns us that a remnant of them will be saved.

WHAT WE EAT, AS GOD Taught me, keeps us here; and what we eat, takes us away. So, figure on what you will send down your throat, whether it will be something to keep you here or something to take you away. Some people love a lot of sweet and starch foods. We should eat a little of both, but never to indulge in too much of it, it wills tart sugar boiling your blood. Sugar can be controlled. It is not such a disease that cannot be controlled by your appetite. Just do not indulge in too much sugar. Eat a little bit.

IF YOU ARE a sugar diabetic, stay from sugar; for sugar will make you diabetic and you will never know that you have it until you indulge in too much sugar and starch foods. Eat more protein foods. And eat more fish or that which water produces of life other than scavengers of the water. We have scavengers out there in the water and we have them on the land. Stay away from that kind of animal or life that lives on nothing but filth itself. And, do not be a slave to your eating desires. Be the master of what you should eat and do not allow the desire or hunger to be the master.

DO YOU THINK the old patriots who lived 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 and nearly 1,000 years ate such filth? What do you think they ate? They did not eat your pig. They did not gobble down all kinds of meats and other foods three times a day. Some of them did not eat but one or two times a whole week. How do you think the people on Mars lived? "I do not know," you will say. And, they lived twelve hundred of our earth years. The Bible teaches us, and it is supposed to be from Jesus, that when God Comes, He comes to bring you life and take away death and give you more of abundance, plenty. He cannot do it without regulating our eating habits. So, this is the way to live a long time.

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