Our Savior Has Arrived

Chapter - The Two Worlds, The Two Camps


The World is divided into two camps -- Islam and Christianity. Christianity, or we may say, the white man, has been in power for 6,000 years. He has ruled independently since the birth of Moses, 4,000 years.

Islam came to Israel from Moses. Israel rebelled and Nimrod broke the civilization of Moses in the 17th century from Moses. So Allah (God) Who Came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, To Whom Praises are due forever, taught me.

Confusion, dissatisfaction, rebelling, fighting, and warring have ever been in Israel’s and Christianity’s camp due to their desire to follow the very nature in which they were made, making mischief in the land and causing bloodshed.

The time of the camp of Islam has arrived. Islam desires to take over. She will take over. Islam will rule the people under and in a government of Peace, Freedom, Justice, and Equality.

This is angering the old world of rebelling and warring against each other, Judaism and Christianity.

The two camps are angry with each other, but the anger of Islam is slow to come to its boiling point, as is cool water. In order to bring cool water to its boiling point, it is necessary to subject it to a heat of 212 degrees Fahrenheit. But spirits, chemicals, are easy to bring to a boil. They will boil at point approximately 170 degrees Fahrenheit.

These two boiling points of water and spirits can easily be classified as the very nature of Islam and Christianity. These two worlds are now boiling over with dissatisfaction and anger against each other.

Christianity now seeks peace but she is guilty of making trouble and of starting the woes that the people now suffer. She seeks peace and seems not to be able to find it. She runs to and fro, to nations, capitols of nations, leaders and rulers, seeking peace, but finds none, it is clear, as it is written, Bible, Eze. 7:25.

The Beast, Bible, Rev. 13:2 is the symbolic name of the ruler of the United States of America. It is a very bad and ugly name, but it is the truth, and very understandable, as we see it today. The dragon gives the beast power. Here recently, we have two presidents of the United States of America who have left the seat of authority and have flown to the Vatican City of Rome to have an audience with the Pope of Rome in the hour of most needed advice.

The Pope of Rome is the god of Christianity and not Jesus. The Pope rules the Christian world as a father rules his family. He is represented by some of the theologians in Christianity as being the Vice-General of God. But the prophets see him as far from being the Vice-General of God; otherwise they would not have given him the name, "dragon."

We cannot deny the fact that these references are made in regard to the head of a government and not the beast or animal of the forest.

These two camps, Islam and Christianity, are clashing at intervals and on small scales. One writer of scriptures, in his prophecy of the final clash between the two camps (two religions), says that when Islam and Christianity meet on the battlefield for a show-down, it will be the end of the cross. The theologians and scientists of Christianity know this very well.

That which is written of the two camps (two religions): the scriptures must be fulfilled.

The God of Freedom, Justice, and Equality desires to take over in His time, and not before. This is His Time to remove the burden of suffering and mistreatment under the law of their own courts from the shoulders of the people.

He desires to set up a government without this type of court (christian) which claims to be the courts of justice, but on examining their decisions, we find that the christian courts are courts of injustice.

America is in a perilous condition. Why? Because she will not yield to the acceptance of the truth and the doing of justice to those to whom she can do justice, if she will, (her Black slave).

This is the real reason we are in this condition of seeking Justice and Peace; because the American government will not give her Black slaves Justice, nor will she allow or help them to go for themselves. She will not do that. She may be forced to do it, but she is not going to do it willingly. Because of this, The God of Freedom, Justice, and Equality is angry and so is the Nation of Islam, the Nation of Peace.

Knowing their mentality, America now sets out to deceive her once slaves, and now free-slaves who number between 20-30 million with a meaningless offer of social equality but never any earth to live on.

Allah (God) is well able to take the kingdom from whom He Pleases and give it to whom He Pleases, this we all know. America should, as it is written, give up the slave and set him on the road to doing something for himself in the way of financing him to do this.

America is spending billions of dollars in a futile attempt to stop the stormy war clouds that are hovering over her concessions but she is not getting at the root cause of it. The reason why the cloud is rising with destruction is because of her so-called Negro slaves whom she refuses to let go.

She divides them one against the other for her own sake. It has not proven worthwhile. It has proven to be against her own peace because the God of the so-called Negro is on the scene and is Directing His Own Cause, as it is written, Bible, Is. 43:13.

Again the Bible teaches us, Is. 59:14, ", and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street." This is true of America, and yet she looks for peace. How can she find peace when she is guilty of breaking the peace of the world and refusing to let her prisoners (so-called Negroes) go Is. 14:17.

The so-called Negro is too wild. He does not know how to strike to obtain the result of Justice for himself. He is swinging wildly, but still the God is with him to bring to pass that which is written.

I say to you, my Black brothers and sisters throughout America, join onto Islam. Follow me and I will lead you into the right way and God will bless you with that which you desire in your heart of good.

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